Confessions of a Royal Bridegroom(94)

All the more reason to get her into bed, and this very night, if possible. As far as Griffin was concerned, nothing could top a good shagging for calming one’s nerves.

“Did you have a pleasant conversation with your uncle during dinner?” he asked in a polite voice. “You seemed to be much engaged.”

“As did you with your dinner companion,” she retorted, glaring at him. “You and Serena seemed to be having a splendid time.”


So, that was the problem. Apparently Justine was suffering from a jealous fit. Still, Griffin wasn’t fool enough to assume that his wife was motivated by any tender feelings she might have developed for him. Even an idiot could see that she and Lady Serena loathed each other. As much as he could wish that Justine harbored some emotion for him other than a rampant desire to bash him over the head, he suspected her behavior had more to do with a competitive instinct than anything else.

“She was very welcoming,” he mused. “And she voiced an ardent desire for me to call on her at any time. Of course, that invitation was extended to you, as well.”

“I doubt very much that Serena wants anything to do with me, except to tease me about one thing or another,” she said in a tight voice. “But you’re more than welcome to call on her whenever you wish. I’m sure it’s no business of mine.”

Griffin sighed. “Justine, don’t be such a wet goose. Of course I’m not going to call on your cousin by myself. Why in blazes would I want to do that?”

“I should think it was obvious by your conduct. And hers, for that matter.”

That startled him, since he’d considered his behavior to be fairly restrained under the circumstances. “I assure you, darling, that if you thought I was engaged in some kind of desperate flirtation with your cousin, you’re mistaken. When I flirt with a woman, you will surely know it, as will Serena.”

Unfortunately, that didn’t come out exactly as he intended and her outraged gasp told him how far off the mark his comment was. It made Griffin wonder exactly when he’d begun to lose his ability to manage women, something that used to come to him so effortlessly. In fact, he’d always had more women at his beck and call than he knew what to do with.

Then Justine had come along and changed everything. It was enough to drive a sane man demented.

She jerked back the window shade and peered into the darkness. “Whatever is taking so long to get home? We should have arrived ages ago.”

A miserable little sniff followed on the heels of her words, one that went straight to Griffin’s heart. Moving carefully so as not to startle her, he slipped onto the bench beside her. She edged farther into her corner.

“What are you doing?” she asked in a suspicious voice.

He took her tightly gloved hand in his. She tried to resist, but he kept her captured in a gentle but unrelenting grip. “I’m sitting next to my wife. What do you think I’m doing?”

“Teasing me, which you’ve been doing all night.” She rubbed the back of her other hand across her cheek with a quick, angry movement. “I know this is all a charade, but you didn’t have to embarrass me. Especially with Serena.”

He toyed with her stiff fingers, wriggling his in between them. “Did it ever occur to you that I felt just as uncomfortable tonight as you did?”

Her lower lip thrust out in a tempting pout. “I don’t know why. You always do just as you want and everyone else walks on tiptoe, afraid to annoy you. Besides, I’m sure half the men at the party owed you money. I would think you’d relish the chance to lord it over them.”

Vanessa Kelly's Books