Confessions of a Royal Bridegroom(81)

Now he knew why. Dominic had obviously convinced himself that marriage to Justine, coupled with the sale of the gambling clubs and brothel, would pave the way for Griffin to claim what Dominic always insisted on calling “his rightful place in society.” In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if Dominic had planned something like this all along, taking care of both Justine and Griffin in one fell swoop. Dominic had always displayed an exaggerated sense of responsibility, wearing his guilt about imaginary failings like a hair shirt. It was a distinctly annoying quality, especially when he applied it to Griffin.

Well, he had no intention of allowing a guilt-ridden, interfering old woman like Dominic to force him into an existence he would loathe. Griffin would rather hang himself than submit to life among the hypocrites and harridans of the Upper Ten Thousand.

“My dear girl,” Lady Thornbury began as she held Justine’s hand in a firm clasp, “surely you must realize the kinds of stories already circulating about you around town.” She cast a fleeting glance in Griffin’s direction. “I will not sully your ears, but I can assure you that they are quite distressing. One might even say . . . vulgar.”

Griffin hadn’t thought his anger could run any hotter. He was wrong. While he recognized the veracity of Lady Thornbury’s words, he resented the way she used them to pressure Justine. He was already aware of some of the stories and he fully intended to deal with the gossipmongers, but in his own time and manner.

Justine blinked several times, but to her credit she recovered her poise quickly. “That is, indeed, unfortunate, but I don’t really see that it matters. After all, we’re married now, and I enjoy the protection of Griffin’s name.”

Dominic shook his head. “Justine, marriage to Griffin was a necessary first step, but believe me when I tell you that his name alone is not enough to protect you from the sorts of insults you will encounter without the protection of your entire family. There’s a great deal of difference between being the wife of the notorious Griffin Steele, owner of brothels and gambling clubs, and the wife of a man who is fully accepted by both your families and all levels of polite society.”

“I can protect my wife,” Griffin snapped. “I don’t need you lot to do it for me.”

“I see,” Dominic said in a politely cool voice. “And does that mean you have given up on your plans to leave England? You will be remaining by Justine’s side to protect her from the attentions of those who will circle her as soon as you’re gone?”

The hot anger running through Griffin’s veins seemed to cool and congeal. Things had happened so quickly these last two days that he’d barely had time to think. Yes, his marriage to Justine would make her vulnerable to all the predators in the ton. They’d assume her little better than one of the whores at The Golden Tie, and act accordingly. And since he would be leaving England sometime in the next few months, she’d be unprotected unless she went with him.

“Then she could go live with her uncle,” he said abruptly. “Surely Viscount Curtis has enough standing in society to protect her.”

“I’ll do nothing of the sort,” Justine exclaimed. “This is all ridiculous. As soon as we find out where baby Stephen belongs, I will return to Lady Belgrave’s house, where I intend to live quietly.” She glanced at Griffin, her expression suddenly calculating. “In fact, Mr. Steele and I have already agreed on that.”

Griffin raised his eyebrows, but he wouldn’t gainsay her before the others.

Dominic began to look mulish, never a good sign. “I’m afraid not, my dear. I sent an express to Lady Belgrave the day before last explaining the situation. She feels that given your change in status, it’s best for you to remain in London with your husband.”

Vanessa Kelly's Books