Confessions of a Royal Bridegroom(64)

He barked out a short laugh, and this time it didn’t sound either seductive or amused. “I assure you, my sweet, our marriage will be very real. Dominic and I spent the entire bloody afternoon procuring a special license and making the arrangements. As of tomorrow, you will most decidedly be Mrs. Griffin Steele, in name and in law.”

The invisible band around her chest tightened another notch as she stared at him. Griffin suddenly looked and sounded as imperious as any lord she had ever met, and ten times as intimidating.

But his words were ridiculous.

Regardless of what the law said, she had no intention of bowing down before him. Uncle Dominic wouldn’t expect that of her, and she couldn’t believe Griffin would either.

“Very well,” she said. “I understand the need to present an appropriate front to the world and will conduct myself accordingly. Goodness knows, I wouldn’t want to offend your sense of dignity.”

When he flashed a brief grin at that shot across his bow, it gave her flagging courage a boost.

“I do think, however,” she said, “that we must have very clear expectations of each other, so we avoid any awkward unpleasantness in the future.”

He began to look interested again, tilting his head to study her, much like a naturalist might study an intriguing specimen. In truth, Justine was beginning to feel like she had been sliced up and examined under a microscope.

“Oh, do go on,” he urged. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

“You need to take this seriously,” she said in a severe voice.

“Believe me, my dear, I am all ears.”

She mentally rolled her eyes but congratulated herself on maintaining her equanimity. Lord knows one of them had to behave in a mature fashion, and she was quite certain it wouldn’t be him. His moods changed so quickly and effortlessly that it was like trying to capture the wind in the palm of her hand.

“This is what I expect from our arrangement,” she said. “Since I’m not familiar with all the aspects of your life, including your, er, social life, you must forgive me if I sketch only the basic outlines of the plan. But what I can assure you is that I will present to the world the appropriate appearance of a married woman. And, despite what I said earlier, I will supervise your household, if you wish. That, however, is entirely up to you since your servants clearly know their business.”

She stopped, giving him a chance to comment, but he simply waved her on.

“I will also organize and host any social events you deem necessary.” She paused, thinking that one through. “Although I can’t imagine who would socialize with us, since no respectable woman would set foot in this house.”

“Yes,” he replied. “I’ve always been lucky in that respect.”

“Then I suspect your luck will continue to hold,” she said tartly. “If, however, we are invited by any of the more liberal members of the ton to social events—and knowing Uncle Dominic, I expect we will—then I will of course accompany you as your wife.”

Griffin looked startled. “Good God. Do you really think that will happen?”

She nodded. “Uncle Dominic will do everything he can to mitigate the damage to my reputation. That will surely include persuading some of his friends to invite us to their houses.”

He grimaced and reached for a brandy decanter and glass on the corner of his desk, pouring himself a healthy amount. “I hadn’t thought of that. That’s a bloody terrifying prospect.”

Griffin sounded so genuinely horrified, she couldn’t help feeling a little spurt of triumph. After all, it was only fair that he should be as inconvenienced and, yes, embarrassed by this predicament as she was.

Vanessa Kelly's Books