Confessions of a Royal Bridegroom(168)

“He’ll listen,” Dominic said, looking every inch the grim and powerful spymaster.

“But what if—” Chloe began to protest. Dominic touched her cheek, and her words trailed off.

“There’s nothing to fear, I assure you,” he said. “I have the matter well in hand.”

For a moment, he and Chloe stared at each other, her expression worried and vulnerable and Dominic’s calmly intent. Justine couldn’t begin to imagine the emotions and history that colored their relationship, but she suspected her godparent’s life would be greatly changed after today.

Finally, Chloe gave him an uncertain smile. “Very well, Dominic. I will entrust Stephen’s safety to you.”

When Chloe turned to Griffin, Justine’s heart almost broke at the expression of pain that momentarily transformed Dominic’s impassive features. She could only hope that his future with Chloe—whatever it was destined to be—held more happiness than his past.

Chloe secured the baby with one arm and held a hand out to Griffin. “Thank you, my son.”

To Justine’s surprise, he took his mother’s hand in a brief clasp. “I didn’t do it for you, but you’re welcome.” His manner wasn’t unfriendly, but he still held himself carefully distant.

“I understand.” Chloe’s smile held more than a hint of melancholy. “But I hope someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I very much desire that.”

Their gazes held as each took the measure of the other. Although different in so many ways, they were surely mother and son. Justine could see it in the determined cut of the jaw and in the sharp, elegant lines of the face. She held her breath, waiting anxiously for her husband to respond and praying he would do so with charity and compassion.

Griffin tilted his head, and his mouth softened a bit. “I believe I’d need to know more about what happened to you in order to do that. Which, of course, would indicate a discussion is in order.”

Chloe’s eyelids fluttered, but then her lips curved up in a smile so dazzling it seemed to fill the room with light. Even Griffin looked slightly dazed, which was certainly understandable. It was taking every ounce of Justine’s discipline not to burst into happy tears.

“We shall certainly do that,” Chloe said. “But first I must get this little one back home and settled.”

Justine must have made a noise because the other woman swiftly turned and came to her. “You can, of course, see Stephen whenever you wish,” Chloe said earnestly. Then she cast a shy glance at Griffin. “And I hope we will be able to come visit you, too.”

Justine gave her a hug that included the baby. She hated letting him go but understood that his place was with Chloe, the woman who had mothered him from the beginning. “I would truly love that,” she said. Then she pressed a kiss to the top of Stephen’s head. “I’ll see you soon, little one. I promise.”

He gurgled happily in Chloe’s arms. Justine let out a teary laugh, and even Chloe started to sniffle a bit.

“Oh, God,” Griffin muttered. “Save me from women and babies.”

“You’ll get used to it,” Dominic said with a sardonic smile. “Now, I would suggest we be on our way soon. I’ve got to attend to Marzano, and then I’ll see Chloe and the baby home.”

“Capital idea,” Griffin said, herding Dominic and Chloe to the door. “But don’t worry about us. We’ll be along later.”

Frowning, Justine paused from gathering up her things. “We will?”

Vanessa Kelly's Books