Collide (Collide #1)(91)

"Nothing's going on with me and Emily," he clipped, his tone harsh.

"Dude, we've known each other for fourteen years. I had a feeling something was up with you two, and last night only confirmed it."

Gavin got up and sauntered over to the window as he contemplated what to say. His answer was slow and apprehensive. "I'm in deep."

"Bro, please don't tell me you f*cked her."

He turned and pinned him with a hard glare. "No, I didn't f*ck her, Trevor."

"Well, what the hell's going on?"

Nibbling at his lip, Gavin paced the room like a caged animal. He didn't know how to explain what he felt for Emily. He didn't know how Trevor would perceive him after confessing to everything either. The only thing he knew was that he couldn't make sense of his emotions, and in that moment, he didn't care if he should.

He felt what he felt.

End. Of. Story.

"Dude, just come out and say it."

Gavin plowed his hands through his hair and regarded him from across the room. "I think I'm falling for her."

With disapproving eyes, Trevor's mouth hung slightly agape. He stood up and walked over to him. "You do know Dillon's our friend, right?"

A frown marred Gavin's features. "What kind of question is that?" he asked as if the answer should be obvious.

"Come on, Gavin. How did you fall for our friend's girl?"

"I met her before I knew she was with Dillon," he replied, the words stated through gritted teeth. He padded back over to the counter and downed the rest of his coffee.

"Wait, I thought the first time you met her was that night at the club."

Gavin sighed deeply, placing his hands on the back of his neck. "No, it's complicated. She delivered food to my office. I tried to get her number..." He paused, his stomach twisting as he remembered the first time he saw Emily. Even now, the thought of her nearly evaporated the oxygen from his lungs. "Or maybe I tried giving her my number. I can't f*cking remember; it was back in June. I went to her job the next day to see her, and then we were introduced a few days later."

Trevor walked back over to the couch, sinking into it. "Look, dude, I'm going to be brutally honest here." Gavin eyed him from across the room. "He's planning on marrying her - soon."

Again, oxygen nearly depleted, Gavin swallowed hard and leaned against the counter. "He told you that?"

"Surely, he's mentioned it to you?"

"Yeah, but I didn't think he was serious." A gut-wrenching ache ran through his stomach as his chest constricted at the thought. "Besides, he doesn't love her. Do you honestly believe he stopped f*cking around with Monica? I sure as shit don't."

"Knowing him, you're probably right. But, to tell you the truth, bro, I don't think about it. What he does is his business. Emily's with him for her own reasons, and as far as I'm concerned, she chooses to see what she wants. It's as simple as that."

"Well, it's not that simple for me," he replied, his tone rising.

"It has to be. You need to kill whatever the f*ck is going on between you two."

"I don't think I can." Hesitating, he drew in a lungful of air, his voice dropping a notch. "She's supposed to be with me."

"Dude, this can only end in disaster. Gavin - seriously - you need to really think about what you're doing. Just think about it. She loves him, too."

"She doesn't love him," he scoffed. "She's just confused or something. He may be my friend, but just like all the rest, he f*cks with her head and drags her into his morphed sense of need for him."

Gail McHugh's Books