Collide (Collide #1)(142)

Emily placed a silencing finger over his mouth, and he smiled. "Stop," she said, removing her finger as she replaced it with her lips. While his tongue swept through her mouth, she tried to relax her nerves down from the conversation.

That didn't take too long at all.

"You're staying with me tonight again, I assume," he whispered, his mouth grazing over her jaw.

She tilted her neck to the side as his kisses moved down her collarbone. "I can't. I've been substituting for someone, and I have papers to grade when I get home. Besides, I have to be at the school by seven tomorrow morning."

"You teach first grade, don't you?" he asked as he lifted her arms up, gently pulling her sweatshirt off.

"Yes, that would be the grade I teach." She unclasped her bra and tossed it to the side. "Why do you ask?"

Focusing his eyes on her luscious breasts, a reverent smile broke out across Gavin's face. Wetting his lips, he remained silent.

Emily placed a finger under his chin, bringing his gaze back to hers. "Why?"

He pulled her into his mouth and started kissing her. "Why what?" he asked, nipping at her lip.

"Gavin," she laughed. "You asked if I teach first grade."

"Oh, right," he chuckled, swiftly removing the shirt from his body. "You said you can't stay with me because you have papers to grade, correct?"


"Don't they all just automatically pass at that age?" he clipped, sweeping his hand beneath her knees as he rose to his feet and carried her to his bedroom. "I mean, it's only coloring and shit like that."

"No, they don't automatically pass," she laughed. "And they don't just color."

Placing her on the bed, he watched as she slid her naked body toward the pillows.

He quickly shed the rest of his clothing and climbed under the blankets with her. "There's nothing I could say to you - wait, strike that. There's nothing I can do to you that would make you change your mind about staying with me tonight?"

She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. "I really can't. But I'll let you try to convince me," she laughed.

"Mmm, you run a hard bargain," he breathed out, feathering his lips along the curve of her neck. "But I'll take it, Miss Cooper."

Over the next several hours, both Gavin and Emily thoroughly enjoyed...dessert multiple times. Though he hounded and harassed her a little bit more about spending the night, he couldn't get her to stay. By the time he brought her home - despite his best efforts with the passionate tender kiss he left on her lips and even going so far as offering to pay her a year's salary for the night - he watched as she closed the door to her apartment. He cursed the fact that tomorrow was a Monday, and she had to work.

With his body racing with excitement and his heart soaring with a love unlike any that he'd ever felt, it was all that Gavin could do to make his way home without getting into a car accident. His mind replayed the last twenty-four hours repeatedly - like a vivid movie, a vivid love story. To hell with Casablanca, he was in love - and now he truly felt like a god.

Now he had it all.

He knew he looked like a goofy lovesick fool as he padded into his building, whistling to himself. The door attendant greeted him with the tip of his hat and a curious expression on his face, showing that he even knew something had changed in Gavin. Smiling, Gavin patted him on his shoulder, shook his hand, and headed for the elevators.

Deciding to forgo a shower - wanting to hold onto the smell of Emily's scent emanating from his pores - it was well past eleven by the time Gavin sat down in front of his laptop to get some work done. It was also well past eleven when his front door buzzed. Snapping his head up, he couldn't help the smile that washed over his face as he made his way down the hall. Emily had promised that if anything changed, she would come back. He reached for the doorknob, and upon opening it, he was met by familiar green eyes staring back at him.

Gail McHugh's Books