Collide (Collide #1)(12)

"No, sir, I'm not. I just started working here yesterday, so you gentlemen need to take it easy on me, okay?" Emily gestured over her shoulder to Antonio. "My boss is watching."

With warm faces, they laughed, clearly amused at her remark.

The youngest cop chimed in. "Who? Antonio? Nah, he's harmless."

The middle-aged cop gave a smirk. "Don't worry. We'll try to be nice, but sometimes we can be a pain in the ass."

"Well, don't be too hard on me, boys." Emily smiled, happy that they all had a sense of humor. "What can I get you gentlemen to drink?"

Emily took their orders and sent them back to the kitchen. She had another few tables come in before the lunch rush really picked up. The place went from being pretty calm to a madhouse layered with every type of customer she could've imagined.

As Emily walked out with one table's orders, Antonio called out to her. "Hey, Country," he said, motioning to one of her booths in the corner. "You just got sat again. Are you okay to take another?"

She adjusted the tray she was carrying on her shoulder. "Yeah, I'm cool. I'll be right there."

He nodded and whisked off to the front door to greet more customers.

She reached for a tray stand, sat the food down, and handed the plates out to a party of five. "Does anyone need anything else?" she asked the group.

An attractive brunette in a summer dress looked up, holding an empty glass of soda. "I need a refill, please."

Emily gave a hurried smile and grabbed the glass. "I'll be right back."

She headed over to the soda fountain, glancing over to the table where she could barely see the lone gentleman that she had yet to greet. "Shit," she mumbled to herself.

Quickly returning to the party of five, she handed the woman her drink. "Sorry about that. Does anyone need anything else?" she asked, inwardly praying no one did.

They all shook their heads no.

Emily let out a soft sigh of relief and let them know she'd be back to check on them. Walking away, she pulled her order pad from her apron and rounded the corner. Sliding her hand across her sweaty forehead, she approached the table and accidentally dropped her pen to the ground in front of the booth. She knelt down to pick it up, but before she could, the stranger's hand reached for it.

"Thank you," Emily said, still crouched on the floor. "I appreciate that. Can I..." Her voice trailed off when she made eye contact with the patron.

It was Mr. Tall, Dark, and Fuckable Handsome from the elevator. Her breath caught at the sight of him sitting there casually as she slowly stood up. She literally had to hold onto the table for balance. He was even better looking than she remembered. Not that less than twenty-four hours could erase his image from her head, but now he was just so there, so male, and so enthralling. He sparked that all too familiar tingle across her skin. He had his suit jacket off, hung neatly on a hook next to the booth. He was wearing a crisp white button-down shirt, and the stark absence of color only emphasized his clear blue eyes.

Gavin's lips curled into a smile. "You don't look too happy to see me."

"I'm just a little...I..." Emily struggled to find her words.

Gavin wasn't about to admit that his need to see her again was intense - so f*cking intense that he actually canceled a meeting with a large account in hopes of catching her at work. Nor would he tell her that when the elevator doors closed last night, he was left feeling oddly robbed by her departure.

"You ran off so quickly last night that I didn't get a chance to give you a tip for delivering the food."

Gail McHugh's Books