Collide (Collide #1)(107)

Her eyes swept over him. He was wearing a charcoal-colored suit that covered his built yet graceful frame. Beneath, he wore a white-collared shirt and pinstriped black-and-gray tie. His lustrous dark hair was sexily mussed as if he didn't bother fixing it after showering. His impressive presence in the room was that of polished power, economical grace, and unyielding demand. He simply was a force that she couldn't help but notice. Although he had his arm snaked around what Emily believed to be one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen, his eyes were trained on Emily's, steady and focused. He sent her a smile from across the room that still managed to disarm her, leaving her in a sea of desire, want, and need, struggling to resurface.

Clenching Emily's now sweaty hand, hazel eyes bright with curiosity, Lisa asked, "Is that him?"

Emily nodded and a lump wedged itself between the walls of her throat as she watched Dillon approach Gavin, motioning her over in the process. Licking her dry lips, she squeezed Lisa's hand, and with trepidation, she started making her way across the room.

God, she's so beautiful, Gavin thought to himself as he watched Emily close the space between them. Her body swayed with elegant poise beneath an emerald silk evening gown. His eyes followed her sleek legs down to a pair of silver strappy stilettos adorning her feet. He tried to keep his eyes from traveling back up to her subtle curves and long dark locks of hair because it only brought back that familiar ache. He fought to push it away, but his body continued to respond to her as she drew nearer. He could feel his pupils dilate as she swept her tongue across her lips, causing his blood to pump with brutal force toward necessary extremities.

He had a desire for every inch of her - the smell of her sweet breath on his hungry lips, the taste of her tongue against his, the soft feel of her skin beneath his hands, and the sound of her husky voice whispering in his ears. She was an assault on his senses, a constant thirst needing to be quenched. Although he'd had a taste, he feared the only thing he would have left was his instinct of wanting her more and needing to feel her again and again. With all of this, what captivated him the most was her eyes - those deep pools of alluring green that felt as if they were boring into his very soul. His grip may have tightened around Stephanie's waist, but in his mind, his hands were on Emily.

When Emily and Lisa approached, Dillon reached for her, positioning her back against his chest. "Babe, this is Gavin's date, Stephanie."

With a smile, Emily pulled in a slow and shaky breath. "It's very nice to meet you, Stephanie."

"You, too," she replied, tucking a few errant strands of her honey-hued hair behind her ear. Her porcelain-like features emphasized her large whiskey-colored eyes. "Congratulations on your engagement."

"Thank you," Emily said.

Gavin's gaze captured Emily's, a smile on his face. "Yes...congratulations."

With his voice so calm, cool, and collected, Emily couldn't help but wonder if she was the only ball of nerves standing there. Smiling, she simply nodded her thanks. As soon as she did, her stomach recoiled when she swore she saw a sparkle of amusement in his eyes at her reaction.

"Just an assumption," Gavin continued, turning in Lisa's direction, "but there must be some sort of relation between you and Emily. Your features are strikingly similar"

"Yes," she replied. "I'm her sister."

"Mmm, younger or older?" he asked casually with his dimpled smile.

"Oh, he's quite the charmer," Lisa laughed, looking at Emily. She brought her attention back to Gavin. "I'm older by ten years, but thank you for the compliment."

Gail McHugh's Books