Claimed for the Master's Pleasure (Guilty Pleasures #5)(37)

For what seemed a long time, they lay joined together, completely exhausted. He’d shared something wonderful with the woman he loved—both physically and emotionally. He gently removed his weight from her back. His breathing was heavy as he withdrew from her. He leaned down and kissed her between the shoulder blades. “Never underestimate your Master, slave. I will always administer exactly the punishment you deserve. It is my duty to keep you on the straight and narrow.”

Lying spent and exhausted across the desk, she barely whispered, “I know, and I’m grateful.” When she lifted herself upright, some of the papers briefly stuck to her breasts and stomach, before fluttering to the floor.

He held out his arms as he sat heavily in his chair. “Come here, please.” Lia nestled on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her as she laid her head against his chest. He began massaging the tired muscles of her shoulders and arms, restoring their circulation.

“Mmm, that’s heavenly. That’s what I like about you, Jake. You’re so unpredictable, yet you always take the time to pamper me after sex. You’re a wonderful man.”

Jake kissed her forehead. “You’re worth it, princess.” He placed a finger under her chin and angled her face to meet his gaze. He knew he’d fallen in love with her. “We share a connection, Lia, an empathy. Between two people who care deeply about each other, that’s priceless.”

You love her. You love this girl more than anything else in the world. Go on, dummy, say the words. After Hannah’s death, you of all people should know how fleeting life is. Tell the girl you love her before it’s too late, and the moment has gone forever.

Jake glanced down at her head nestled so comfortably against his chest. Her golden curls feathered his skin. Every so often they tickled his sensitive flesh when she moved. His heart swelled. Nestled safely in his arms lay his future.

Gently he stroked a hand down her cheek. “I love you, Lia. I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with you.”

With huge eyes, Lia blinked several times as she lifted her head and stared at him. He smoothed a thumb over her full lips and smiled at her. She was so close he could see tiny fragments of turquoise and amber in her wonderful green irises. Tears began spilling down her cheeks, and her top lip trembled when she spoke.

“I love you, too, Jake. I love you so much it hurts.” She hurled herself against him, squeezing him far more tightly than he thought possible for such a small woman. He felt her tears trickle down his naked chest.

“Why the tears, princess? Shouldn’t you be happy?”

She playfully slapped his wrist. “I am happy, you big dumb ox,” she blurted out, trying to catch her breath. “Can’t you tell I’m the happiest woman in the world?” She stared into his eyes before kissing him passionately. His heart swelled at the look of love reflected back at him. “I’m so happy. I never thought I’d find love again, Jake.”

“Me, too, princess.” He held her close, blinking quickly, aware of the moisture filling his own eyes. He kissed the top of her head. “We have to make the most of every day. We have to live our lives. Let’s make a promise to each other.”

“What promise?”

“Live life to the full.”

Lia smiled. “Love and live life to the full. It’s the only way.”

He held her tightly again, never wanting to let her go. After what seemed an eternity she finally pulled away. “I must pick up all these documents, Jake. I hope they’re not important?”

“No they’re just financial information for my shareholders. Boring stuff really. I need them for the board meeting tomorrow.”

Lia snapped her head in his direction. “You’re kidding me. But I’ve been lying all over them.”

Jake laughed at the look of surprise on her face. “Princess, it will give me immense pleasure as I hand them out. The thought of your naked body lying all over them, while I was inside you, administering a little correction, will give me a warm feeling of satisfaction. I won’t give a f*ck when they bust my balls at the annual general meeting now.”

Lia put her head back, and roared with laughter. “I’m so glad I could help.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Six months later

Lia moved away from the doorway as yet more gym equipment arrived. She checked the box. “Treadmills go over by the window.” The delivery guy followed her instruction and wheeled the large packing crate to the far side of the room. Eventually, there would be a row of twenty-one treadmills. They were to be positioned in front of the vast bank of windows overlooking the hotel entrance. Customers would be able to enjoy invigorating views of the fountains that pumped enormous jets of water into the air as they ran six miles without moving an inch. At night, when the water display was backlit by multicolored lights, it would be even more impressive. A warm feeling pervaded her senses. She would finally be her own boss. It was an out-of-this-world dream, and something she thought she’d never be able to achieve.

Of course, it would never have happened without Jake’s help. He’d found her over twenty thousand square feet of prime Vegas floor space on the second floor of his hotel. So far she’d installed changing rooms, showers, and a sauna. Currently the gym itself was being filled with state-of-the-art equipment. In just seven days the Constantine Fitness Center would open its doors to the public for the very first time. She could barely wait.

Jan Bowles's Books