Claim Me(91)

“When was this?” I am flabbergasted.

“Four days ago.”

“But—but I asked Damien point-blank if he told Giselle, and he said yes. He was lying for Blaine? Why?”

“Aw, honey, it wasn’t Damien that Blaine was green in the gills about. It was you. He f*cked up, and he hurt you, and he fully intended to come clean. He wanted Damien’s advice on how to tell you, and Damien told him not to. Damien said he’d talk to Giselle and make sure it didn’t go further, and that if need be, he’d take the blame.”

“But why?”

“You already answered that one, Texas,” she says gently.

For a moment, I don’t understand. Then I recall my words. I honestly can’t imagine staying mad at Damien.

“He’s protecting Blaine,” I say, more to myself than to Evelyn. “He’s protecting our friendship.” Suddenly, my hand is over my mouth and I’m blinking back tears.

“You want me to tell Blaine that you know?”

I shake my head violently. “No. No. I don’t want him to worry that it bothers me or that I’m mad at him. Maybe someday I’ll tell him, but right now, no.”

“I wasn’t sure about telling you myself,” she says. “I’m glad I did.”

“Me, too,” I say.

“To be honest, I was surprised as hell to see Giselle here. Blaine told her that he didn’t mean to say anything. She must know that showing up would embarrass you and piss off Damien. Hard to believe she’d go out of her way to piss off her best client.”

“No kidding,” I say, but I’ve realized now what Tanner meant. If Damien is Giselle’s best client, then the accusation that Bruce hired me to make his wife happy makes sense. Keep the wife’s best client happy and keep the galleries making money.

“Maybe I had it wrong,” Evelyn muses. “Maybe Giselle’s the one who’s jealous.”

“Of me? Why?”

“You’re with Damien,” Evelyn says. “And she’s not. Not anymore.”

This is a night of revelations. “Damien and Giselle used to date?”

“Years ago. They were an item for a few months before she and Bruce tied the knot. Now there’s an interesting story.”

“Damien and Giselle?” That’s a story I’m not sure I want to hear.

“Giselle and Bruce,” Evelyn says with a small shake of her head. “But that’s dirt for another day.” She tosses back the last of her drink, then slams the glass onto the tabletop. “Ready to head back into the fray?” she asks, standing.

“No,” I admit, though I stand as well. Because it’s not people that I want right now. It’s just Damien.


I wait a moment after Evelyn has gone, then make a quick circle through the party. A few people smile or nod at me, moving a step to one side as if silently inviting me to join their conversations. But I pass by; I have no time for anyone but Damien, and I move through the crowd with singular determination.

When I finally see him, I stop short. He stands in a small group, listening to a story told by a stout woman with curly brown hair. As if he feels me looking at him, Damien turns. His eyes find me, and suddenly everything around me seems to melt away. The people are nothing but blurs of colors, the conversation little more than white noise. We are the only two people in the room, and I stand transfixed, my body tingling, mouth suddenly dry. It is as if this man has cast a spell over me, and I am a willing participant to the enchantment.

J. Kenner's Books