Claim Me(140)

I’ve been blinking back tears as she speaks, and now I burst out with a laugh that is choked with tears. “Thank you,” I say, then sniff. I shoot a wry grin toward Damien. “I like her.”

“Yes,” he says dryly. “She’s very capable.” His mouth is thin, but I can see the hint of amusement, not to mention the silent nod of thanks when he tells Sylvia, “That will be all.”

She nods, then slips out of the apartment.

“There are a lot of f*cked-up people in the world,” Damien says to me. “Don’t let them get to you.”

“You’re never going to be able to track who sent that letter.”

“Maybe not, but I’m going to try. By the way, I figured out which reporter originated the story.”

“Did Charles go see him?”

“He refused to reveal his source. I may pay him a visit myself, but I thought I’d go the more civilized route first. I’ve hired a private investigator. I’m guessing he met in person with the source. With any luck, my guy will learn something.”

I nod, but I don’t expect much. Honestly, I’m not sure I care. I’m certain it wasn’t Jamie or Ollie, and they are the only two who could truly injure me by being duplicitous. Other than that, it’s the information alone that hurts, and no matter who revealed it, there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle. Not now, not ever.

“I want to go out,” I say to Damien, who stares at me for a second, obviously trying to digest my sudden change in topic.

“Any place in particular?”

“I was thinking about the MoCa,” I say. “I figure there aren’t many reporters lying in wait there.”

“All right,” he says. “Let’s go.”

“But then I changed my mind,” I continue. “I want to go shopping. Let’s go look for things for the house. There are all sorts of cute stores on Melrose. Or anywhere in West Hollywood. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

“I always have fun when I’m with you,” he says. “But that area is crowded, and it only takes one person who gets off on tabloid news calling TMZ or some other rag before we’ll be surrounded by the vultures.”

“I know,” I say. “But I don’t care. I want back in the world. It’s not like they can’t get me in here, too. Didn’t one of them just send me a letter?”

He winces, but nods. “All right, then,” he says. “I guess we have a date.”

We’re not looking for anything in particular other than each other’s company, and that makes wandering the stores pleasant, especially since no one seems to be paying any attention to us.

A new store has opened on Fairfax selling high-end antiques, and a massive bed with a head and footboard that is intricately carved from oak immediately catches my eye.

“A bed, Ms. Fairchild?” Damien asks.

“I don’t know,” I say. “It’s worth considering. After all, the house is currently without a bed.” I lie down on it, then roll onto my side and pat the mattress, making a point to smile suggestively. “Shall we test it out?”

His lips twitch. “Careful. You’re subject to my rules, remember? Who knows what I might make you do?”

“Good point,” I say, moving to sit up. I reach out and hook a finger through the belt loop of his jeans, then tug him toward me. He stumbles and falls forward, knocking me back a bit before he blocks his fall with a hand on the mattress.

“Well, hello,” he says, then kisses me. “I swear I didn’t orchestrate that.”

J. Kenner's Books