Chasing Shadows (First Wives #3)(67)

She paused. “How did you know I was in New York?”

“Well, let’s see. Liam dropped by, worried sick. Said you’d blown off work, him, and your newfound love to fight for exercise.”

Avery shook her head. Looked like her tangled web was starting to crumble.

“Care to offer a denial?” Her friend was pissed.

She really didn’t owe her an explanation. “I’m working through some crap right now.” Which was true.

“So you return to the scene of the crime?”

“We all work through our shit differently. I need some time. Need to be alone. I’m sorry I worried you.”

“You’re worrying all of us. We love you, Avery. You can’t just disappear like that. I had to pull Liam back from booking a flight there tonight.”

Oh, no. Then they all would learn about Spider being alive. They’d all get involved. Everyone would be in her face again.

“Thanks for stopping him. I can’t deal with him right now.”

Lori lost some of the fight in her voice. “Is this about him? Or is this all about last year?”

“Both. I-I need to deal with this. And I need to do it alone. I can’t have you, or Liam . . . or Reed and his gang doing it for me.”

“What do you hope to accomplish in New York?”

“I need to remember.”

Lori sighed. “I hate this.”

“Now, how did you find me? If Reed has some kind of tracking device on me—”

“No. Trina told me.”

“You bugged her on her honeymoon?”

“I’m worried.”

“Well, stop. I’m a grown woman. I can take care of myself. I’ll let you know when I need a friend or my lawyer.”

“Don’t be pissed.”

“Too late. Go to bed, Lori. I’ll call you.” Avery hung up the phone.

She moved into the living room of her suite, wearing a bathrobe. First thing she did was disable her Friend Finder app. Second, she dialed Liam.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Liam saw her name on his phone and answered it with a request. “Tell me you’re okay.”

“I’m okay.”

He’d been hitting his fist against a wall ever since he’d gotten back from Lori and Reed’s.

“Tell me what I can do. I want to help.”

“I assume they told you about last year.”

“Reed did. Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked as gently as he could.

“Because it didn’t matter. And the subject never came up.”

“If it didn’t matter, you wouldn’t be in New York, chasing shadows.”

The line was silent.

“You’re right. But they’re my shadows to chase.”

“Let me help.”

“I can’t.”

He shook his head. “You won’t.”

“Right. I won’t. I won’t be responsible for anyone getting hurt or missing out on work or their honeymoons or their lives while I deal with my baggage.”

“How is anyone going to get hurt?”

“Everyone is already butt hurt, and all I did was leave town.” Her voice rose a level.

“Because you’re lying about what is going on. People care. Stop lying. Talk to us. Talk to me.”

“Making demands, Liam?”

“It’s a request.”

“Listen, I told you I sucked at relationships. You’re the one pushing it.”

She was spoiling for a fight. He was butt hurt enough to give her one.

“Well, you have one whether you like it or not. You haven’t been far from my thoughts since the day we met. That means I get to care and worry. I don’t deserve you lying about important things.”

“You’re right. You don’t deserve it. So let me help you out.”

The line went dead.

“Damn it, Avery!” Liam literally banged his head against the wall. He couldn’t have screwed that up better.

Lori had Trina and Shannon on a conference call the next day.

“She removed the app. I have no idea where she is.” Trina sounded stressed.

“Probably still in New York. I’d call her but she won’t answer. I’m not on her friend list right now.”

“Because you care and called her on it?” Trina asked.

“She’s stressed,” Shannon told them both. “Liam is making her take a good look at herself and life with someone other than herself. It’s scary.”

“It doesn’t have to be scary,” Trina said.

“She doesn’t think she can hold on to him or anyone. So love and lose, or never love at all? I don’t have to remind you how I feel on the subject.”

“Okay, but Shannon, would you just up and leave like this? ‘Screw everyone, I need to disappear’?”

“I don’t have to go anywhere to disappear,” Shannon said. “Avery’s the life of the party, she’s the one everyone sees. For her to get away, she needs to leave.”

Lori sighed. “She said she’d call if she needed a friend or a lawyer.”

“Sounds like her,” Trina said. “Ironic, considering she harped on me for missing a club meeting last year. But I do understand the need to figure things out on your own. I think we all should send her a message saying we’re here for her.”

Catherine Bybee's Books