Chasing Shadows (First Wives #3)(60)

“You can make an appointment. I have room in April.”

“I’d like to talk to him first.”

“Yeah, well, he isn’t here. There’s a big expo in Chicago this weekend.”

The euphoria of an hour before quickly faded. “Well, can you tell me if he’s done anything like this before?”

The clerk glanced at the walls with testimonials everywhere showing spider art. “It’s what he does.”

“Exactly this. Has he done this tattoo before?”

Did he just roll his eyes?

“Every tattoo is going to be unique due to the canvas you’re putting it on.”

Avery shoved the paper in front of him. “This?”

He shook his head as if done with the entire conversation. “Yes. Maybe. It looks a little familiar, but that doesn’t mean it’s common. I see spiders in my sleep after working here.”

Not a confirmation, but not a denial. “How much will this cost?”

Zelda was right. This Van Lynch guy wanted triple.

Avery smiled and gathered her papers. “You get what you pay for, right?”

“Right. So do you want the appointment in April?”

“I need to check with my boyfriend.”

The clerk seemed annoyed that she’d wasted his time.

Once again it was after two and she hadn’t eaten. Avery made her way uptown and walked through Central Park while eating a hot dog. Food on the go. That’s what she needed, nothing fancy, and certainly no liquor to accompany anything.

Sitting on a park bench, she watched as people walked by, normal people doing normal things while Spider was out there. Avery judged every woman. Could they handle themselves if Spider attacked them? Would they freeze and cower on the ground while a boot flew into their face?

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. It had been doing that a lot.

She pulled it out. Four messages.

The first was Brenda. “You missed your appointment. Don’t think I won’t charge you. We’ll work harder on Friday.”

Then there was Liam. “Hey, Princess.” He paused. “Do you like dogs? I mean. Never mind. I hope everything is going well in Seattle. Call me when you have a second.”

She squeezed her eyes shut when she heard his voice. He didn’t deserve her lies.

The next two messages were from Sheldon. “Hey, Avery. I hired an exterminator. Take care of that little issue upstairs.” Thoughtful. She was actually a little impressed. Only his next message wiped all that away. “Two days and you’re not here. Are you planning on coming back?” His voice was angry. “Call me.”

She’d take care of Brenda later.

There was no way she was going to talk to Liam. She chickened out of a phone call and sent a text. Super busy. Up early, back late. Damn phone battery isn’t holding a charge. Sorry. She hit send and stared at her message. Lame and lies. She wanted to add that she’d call him. But she wouldn’t. Not yet.

Sheldon picked up on the second ring. She was really hoping for a voice mail.

“I’m sorry,” she said after they said hello.

“I’m not sure how you’re going to get the job done on time if you’re not here.”

“I understand. The spider thing freaked me out. Took a whole day to stop shaking.” She faked a flirty laugh. “I’m a girl sometimes.”

Sheldon’s voice softened. “I can understand that.”

Avery kicked herself for using her breathy voice. “Then something really important came up. It’s not avoidable.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“It’s my aunt. She’s sick. I’m in Seattle helping her out.” And the lies kept coming.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I guess there isn’t a huge hurry if I’m renovating. Did you talk to your contractor?”

Avery tossed a silent fist in the air and winced. Jesus. “Yes. I gave him your number. But he’s busy, Sheldon. I’m not sure if he can help you out, but he might be able to recommend someone who can.”

“Do you have his number on you? I can call him.”

She bit her lip. “Nope. Left that back in LA. I’m sure he’ll call soon. He’s reliable.” Unlike me.

“Okay. Let me know when you’re back so I know when to expect people around.”

“I will absolutely do that.” The only nonlie that left her mouth. “Thank you for understanding.”

She hung up the phone and damn near tossed it across the park. “‘Oh, what a tangled web we weave.’” How poetic.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Sorry?” From the woman who said she’d said she was sorry five times in her whole life and actually meant it. He understood work, completely got being so busy you don’t stop. Her phone not holding a charge was what stumped him. Something about that didn’t feel right. Yeah, it happened . . . but what did it take to send a quick hello, I miss you?

Had he scared her off so completely that she was running away? I don’t do relationships. I don’t date. Her mantra since they met had been broken through over the last two weeks, yet now she was pulling away. The thought made his chest ache.

“She’s just busy working,” he told himself.

Yet the other voice, his inside voice, said he was fooling himself. There was more to it.

Catherine Bybee's Books