Chasing Shadows (First Wives #3)(41)

“Have you picked a real estate agent yet?”

He shook his head.

“They’re going to tell you to keep some of the furnishings in the main rooms if you’re going to sell as is. If you’re renovating, then it’s best to purge everything and bring in a professional stager to sell.”

“Is your contractor able to do the work?”

She hesitated. “I asked him a favor to give an estimate, I didn’t imply that he’d get a job.”

Sheldon rocked back on his heels and tore his gaze away from the yard. “If you recommend him, it’s good by me.”

Avery tried not to think of the ethics behind her suggesting Liam for the work. “I’d recommend you get a couple of estimates before picking a team.”

He stared at her.

“I didn’t need two when I hired you.”

She couldn’t argue that.

“Let me see if he is available. If he is, I’ll put you two together.”

“Sounds good.”

Avery followed him out of the room and down the main hall.

“I found some items in your father’s study that you might want to look at.”

For a second, Sheldon stared, stone-faced. Once again his cold eyes had her taking a slight step back.

“Nothing, Avery. I want nothing from this house.”

“I won’t ask again.”

And just like that, he was smiling again. “You know how it is . . . self-centered parents who considered you only in passing.”


He nodded toward the door. “Walk me out.”

What she really wanted to do was get back to work and distance herself from this man.

Outside, the Santa Ana winds were kicking up dust and blowing leaves from the trees. She closed the door behind them to avoid it crashing against the wall inside.

He took the first step and turned. “Avery.”


His lips pulled into a grin. “I’d like to take you out.”

His words didn’t register at first. She thought maybe he was suggesting a work-related meal . . . but they’d never done that, and there wasn’t a need.

“On a date. Dinner,” he clarified.

“Oh, ah . . .” Think, Avery . . . hell no. “I’m flattered.” In a creeper kind of way.

His smile tilted.

“I’m seeing someone.” Oh, Liam, don’t fail me now.


She bobbed her head like one of those dolls. “Yup.”

His eyes narrowed.

“I thought you said after your divorce you poured yourself into your work and that nothing got in the way of your getting the job done.”

This was going from bad to worse. Not to mention get a hint, dude. “It’s new. Besides, I’m working for you, and that wouldn’t feel right even if I was available.”

He smiled again. “So if things don’t work out with you and . . .”

Avery didn’t offer a name.

“You’d say yes? After the work is done, of course.”

No! She couldn’t say that.

Her skin itched. “You’re a very nice man.”

Not the right words. She could tell by the expression on his face.

“Well, then. We’ll revisit this conversation when the job is over.”

Before she could suggest he not ask again, he bounced off the stairs and ducked behind the steering wheel of his Volvo.

Avery scurried inside and leaned against the closed door.

With a shudder, she rested her head in her hand. She didn’t see that coming. How the hell was she going to handle him?

“I’m blowing off krav on Tuesday,” Avery told Liam over the phone later that night.

“Brenda’s going to make you work harder on Friday.”

“I know. But I can’t help it. I have a late appointment with an art dealer and a whole house filled with old furniture. I have no idea how long it will take. I want this job done as soon as possible.”

“Late hours and stress. You sound like me.”

Avery kicked her feet up on her coffee table and drank from her bottled water. “Who would have guessed?” She considered telling him about Sheldon but decided to hold off. She’d been keyed up about the man all day and needed time to sort out how to handle him.

“I have back-to-back inspections all week, and my second crew is starting a job in Santa Monica.”

“More work than you can handle?”

“No. I probably need to hire a couple more guys and tell my secretary to increase the payroll.”

Avery watched her feet as she spoke on the phone. “You have a secretary?”

“Yup. My sister.”

“So it’s a family business.”

“No. She’s in school for a psychology degree and helping me while she lives here. I told her she didn’t have to, but she insisted.”

“Sounds like a winning combination for everyone.”

“She wants to meet you.”

Avery froze. “Ah . . .”

“Let me rephrase that. I’d like you to come over for dinner and meet my family.”

She didn’t mean to hesitate, but the words took a while to form in her mouth. “I just got used to talking to you on the phone . . . and texting.”

Catherine Bybee's Books