Chasing Shadows (First Wives #3)(34)

“Have fun,” Michelle said as he walked out the door.

“I will.” Or at least he hoped he would.

Thirty minutes later, the driver dropped him off in front of terminal three. Even with the huge sunglasses covering her eyes, he recognized Avery standing outside the doors, watching for him. She wore a short, peach colored dress and white boots that went up to her knees. The outfit was like nothing he’d seen her in before.

The woman had many sides, each of them just as fascinating as the last.

Outside the car, he rolled his suitcase to her side and stopped. “Love the outfit.”

She hiked her sunglasses up to look him in the eye. “The short skirt or the tall boots?”


She tilted her glasses back onto her nose. “You sure you’re ready for this?” she asked him.

Liam ignored the people whizzing past. “The question is, are you?”

“No.” She shook her head. “But my friends wouldn’t shut up and you weren’t helping.”

“I like your friends.” They seemed to be on his side already.

Avery shook her head and turned toward the doors. “I don’t think you’re ready for this, but here goes nothing.”

He grasped her arm before she could take a step.

“Second thoughts?” she asked.

He moved his hand up to the back of her neck and pulled her in. “None.”

Liam kissed her doubting lips long enough for her to sigh and kiss him back. Only then did he let her go.

He pulled his luggage behind him and held her hand as they walked into the terminal.

Avery led them past the ticket gates and toward what looked like an exclusive lounge. “Are your friends here?”

“They’re already on the plane.”

“They’re what?” He must have got that wrong.

Liam couldn’t say he’d ever had the need for a private airport lounge, so this was a first. They walked through the double sliding doors to be greeted by a smiling hostess. “Hello, Ms. Grant. You must be Mr. Holt.”

Definitely a first. “I am.”

“TSA is ready for you. Do you have any more luggage?”

He shook his head. “No. This is it.”

“I’ll show him the way,” Avery told the woman.

Liam walked further down the rabbit hole.

They waltzed through the lounge and down a nearly empty hall. At the end was a metal detector and a conveyer belt for his luggage. The TSA officer stood by the metal detector with a smile. “ID?”

“Right.” Liam removed his wallet and presented his driver’s license while Avery walked through the metal detector.

He started to toe off his shoes.

“That isn’t necessary, Mr. Holt. Just put your phone through and any keys in your pockets.”

Less than twenty seconds later, Avery and Liam were being escorted out of the terminal and into a waiting car.

“Are we driving to Texas?”

Avery smirked. “You can back out anytime.”

Everything came into focus when the car stopped next to a private jet and Avery stepped out.

Holy shit.

The driver from the car took Liam’s luggage before he could grab it.

He stood looking up at the plane like it was a new invention.

“You’re serious.”

Avery took two steps up the stairs and turned toward him. “You coming?”

Avery took the final step into the private jet and wanted to glare at her friends, who had choreographed Liam’s being there. She noticed Shannon’s eyes light up when Liam stepped through the door and exhaled.

“You’ve met Lori and Reed.”

Reed stepped forward and shook Liam’s hand. “Nice to see you again.”

“I’m glad to be here.”

Lori smiled and shook his hand. “I’m still unsure if you’re a stalker.”

“Hopefully I’ll squelch that thought by the end of the weekend.”

Avery stood back. “And this is Shannon.”

Liam held a look of confusion. “Do I know you?”

“Shannon Wentworth. Former first lady of California, now making a name for herself in the world of photography.” Avery’s introduction made Shannon blush.

“I’m not sure about that world thing, but the rest of it is accurate.”

“A pleasure,” Liam said.

“Oh, the pleasure is all ours. Avery hasn’t invited a male friend into the fold, ever.”

Avery crossed to the bar and poured a glass of champagne. “Like I had a choice. First Trina drunkenly snags my phone and extends the invite, and then this one doesn’t let it go.” She pointed to Liam, who appeared pleased with himself.

“Avery frazzled is a good look,” Lori said.

“I am not . . .” Yes, she was. “Whatever. I hope you and Reed get along,” she said directly to Liam. “This weekend is about Trina.”

“You’ve warned me,” Liam said.

Reed patted Liam on the back. “Well, now that we got that little tantrum out of the way, how about a drink before we take off?”

“Beer is fine.”

Liam did a complete turn and took in the space.

It wasn’t the largest private jet Avery had been on, nor the smallest. There were half a dozen executive chairs that reclined into a comfortable sleeping position, a sofa, a TV, a bar, and of course, a bathroom.

Catherine Bybee's Books