Chasing Shadows (First Wives #3)(18)

Silent, Avery peered closer. “You’re wearing mascara. Oh my God, you have a date.”

Liam hadn’t noticed any makeup.

Brenda didn’t smile or nod or anything . . . but she did blush.

Avery’s jaw dropped. “Give it up, sista. Who is it?”

Brenda turned toward her office. “See you on Tuesday.”

Avery glanced at Liam, a sneaky smile on her face. “C’mon, Brenda. I won’t tell anyone.”

“You don’t know him.” Brenda slammed her office door.

Avery turned to Liam. “Him?” she said in a rough whisper.

Yeah, Liam wasn’t all that sure of Brenda’s sexual orientation either.

“I’m going to want details on Tuesday!” Avery yelled out.

Brenda met her comment with silence.

“You’re never going to get details out of that one.”

Avery looked at him like he was an idiot. “Don’t underestimate me.”

They parted at the locker rooms.

“Meet you outside in ten?” was all he asked. Hoping to make a habit out of an after session drink.

She narrowed her eyes. “Okay, but it isn’t a date.”

“Of course not.” Yes it is . . . kinda.

She walked out of the gym wearing the clothes she’d run in with.

Liam looked at what he was wearing. Jeans and a pullover shirt.

“I think Pug’s is a bad idea in this,” she said, indicating her dress.

Liam knew he wouldn’t be the only one admiring her curves if she walked into the dingy bar.

“Do you have another suggestion?”

“A few blocks away.”

He looked at her feet. “I can drive.”

She smiled. “I was born in heels. C’mon.”

“I thought Brenda was a lesbian,” Avery started with once they’d rounded the first corner outside.

Liam thought about that for a few seconds. “She scares me.”

Avery laughed. “Yeah, I get that. She knows her shit, though.”

“Total respect.”

They stopped at an intersection and waited for the light. “It would take a strong man to take her on. Can you imagine their sex life?”

Liam squeezed his eyes shut. “I really don’t want to think about her that way.”

“Headlocks and takedowns.”

He took hold of Avery’s elbow when the light changed and conveniently didn’t let it go. “Brenda’s sex life is not the image I want in my head, thank you very much.”

“No, really. What kinda guy is into someone like her? He either has to be a total sub to her dom or so completely badass she can just be a girl.”

Liam knew Avery hadn’t clued in that he was wrapped around her arm as they walked down the street. And like a teenage boy who felt he was getting away with something, he just grinned and didn’t let on. “You’ve given this a lot of thought.”

“Not until tonight. Brenda’s gettin’ lucky.” Avery did a little dance.

“You’re really excited about this.”

“I am.” They walked another block. “And if you think I haven’t noticed that you’re holding my arm, you’d be wrong.”

Liam nearly stumbled.

“But I’m a little cold, so I’m going with it.”

He kept silent and kept walking.

Chapter Eight

Avery took him to Bailey’s. It wasn’t upscale or a dive. It was just a neighborhood place that the locals knew about that wasn’t frequented by tourists or bums. For a bonus, they could get food. Since she’d missed dinner, a meal was necessary.

She led Liam into the bar and sat at an empty table in the middle of the room.

She dropped her gym bag under her feet and Liam followed suit. “Unlike Pug’s, it’s safe to order a drink here.”

It wasn’t long before the waitress walked up to the table. “Hey, Avery.”

“Hi, Nikki.”

“I haven’t seen you in a while.”

Avery looked at Liam. “I’ve been busy.”

Nikki took Liam in . . . from head to toe. “I can see why.”

Smiling, Avery shook her head. “Vodka martini, Grey Goose.”

Nikki winked. “And for you?”

“Maker’s Mark.”

“Neat or on ice?”


“You got it.”

Liam turned to Avery. “You know the waitress?”

“I live close by.” As in one block over and one block up. If she looked hard enough, she could see her condo from the street.

“I didn’t realize you lived in the city.”

She lifted her hand in the air. “Central to everything, lots of restaurants.”


“That, too.”

“How long have you lived here?”

“About a year and a half. What about you? Are you in the city?”

He shook his head. “Atwater Village. Still central but far enough away.”

Low-key, nothing too fancy. Not seedy. Funny how savvy Avery had become since she’d joined the working world.

“And you’re a handyman?”

Catherine Bybee's Books