Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(81)

“Well seeing as you asked so nicely, no, no you’re not.”

“What, why?”

I don’t know why, if we’d just gone for it, I probably wouldn’t have been able to stop but because he’s asked and I’m actually thinking straight, I know that I’m not actually ready.

“I’m not ready.”

“Fuck Kitten.” He looks all around the room but not at me. “I need to get you home then.”

Well that hurts. “So just my company isn’t good enough for you, if I won’t shag you, you don’t want me around. Cheers Cam, that’s nice to know and there I was, thinking that there’s more to you than the flash cunt that’s always on display downstairs.”

I go to stand up but he grabs at the top of both my arms and it hurts. We are both kneeling, facing each other, in the middle of his sofa. “I need to get you home because I don’t want to be up on a rape charge.”

I shrink back at his words, rape charges and every horrible memory those words conjure are forced to the front of my mind.

“Let me go,” I say through gritted teeth.

“What the f*ck is wrong with you Georgia?” he shouts at me. “You’re sitting there all f*ckin’ sexy in my t-shirt.” He scratches at his head. “I don’t know where I f*ckin am with ya, I’m a thirty year old bloke, I don’t play games Darlin’, if you want someone to mess with, then f*ck off back to the dickless wonder you swanned in the bar with last week and stay the f*ck away from me.”

I twist away from him while he has one hand still in his hair but he grabs at me again, pinning both my arms to my sides.

“Let me f*ckin go Cam, let me go!” I screech at him as I throw myself about trying to get away from him.

“What dya want, what do you f*ckin want from me?” He pulls me to him and looks down into my face.

He looks so angry, nobody has ever grabbed me, pulled me about like that or shouted at me in my life; I was a princess, I was spoilt and pampered, I had grown up getting basically, anything and everything I wanted in life, except for Sean that is and the only way I knew how to react to being shouted at in this way was to spit and snarl my way out of it. I tried to head butt him first, he reared back and looked at me, eyes wide with shock at my actions. “What the f*ck are you doing?”

His voice was all high pitched and incredulous and as I realised he was trying not to laugh at my futile attempts to escape his grip and to inflict pain on him, the more determined I became. I threw myself backwards and he couldn’t help but fall on top of me, I bring my knee up and knee him in the balls, I’m thrashing from side to side and screaming at him, I must make contact as he doubles up and rolls onto his side, giving me room to roll out from underneath him, I start to head toward the door but he’s too fast and grabs me again.

“Stop.” He shakes me by my shoulders. “Fuckin’ stop, what the f*ck is wrong with you?”

I slap him around the face and almost faint in shock when he slaps me back, it’s not hard, it’s barely a tap, but I’ve never been slapped in my life.

“Is that what you want?’ he asks. “Is that what you like? Is that what you’re into?”

He pushes me slightly in the chest and I take a step back. “Give me something, give me something for f*ck’s sake Kitten, you totally baffle me, we were having a lovely night, one of the best nights in a woman’s company I’ve had in years and then, then you just flip. Who did it? Who f*ckin’ broke you? I have to know who broke you before I can start putting you back together again so who, who was it?” he’s shouting and getting in my face and every step I take back, he takes one forward.

Lesley Jones's Books