Calmly, Carefully, Completely(16)

“Princesses don’t do that.” I grin at him and walk away. It’s hard to do, but I don’t even look back over my shoulder.


Shit. Now I’m in trouble.

“You had one rule,” Reagan’s dad snaps. He holds up a finger. “One rule!”

“Yes, sir,” I say. “I remember.”

I won’t be surprised at all if fire shoots from his mouth and his eyeballs pop out. “If you remember, then why were you alone in the woods with my daughter, Mr. Reed?” he asks. He’s really close to being in my face. But my brothers have done worse. This is nothing compared to when they try to throttle me.

“Pete,” I say.

“Beg your pardon?” He glares at me.

“My name is Pete,” I say. “We should probably be on a first name basis if you’re going to get intimate enough to chop my nuts off.” I motion to his hatchet.

He blows out a quick breath, grins, and shakes his head.

“We were just gathering sticks, sir,” I say.

He narrows his eyes and glares at me. “Can I trust you?” he asks.

“I want to go home when I’m done here, sir,” I say. I want this f*cking bracelet off my leg.

“Nice manners,” he mutters. “Who raised you?” he asks. “The system?”

“No, sir,” I say. “I have four brothers.”

“Where are your parents?”


“I know your story, but why’d you end up in jail?” He’s blunt. I kind of like that.

“Stupid choices I made.” I kick at a rock in my path to keep from having to look at him.

He nods. “At least you know they were stupid.”

I heave a sigh. “Sir, I’ve done my time. Don’t send me back. I promise I won’t bother your daughter, and I won’t let anyone else bother her, either.”

He looks into my eyes. “I believe you.” He starts to tug on a leaf hanging near his head. “My daughter…she’s special.”

I don’t respond because I don’t really think he wants me to. I agree with him, though. She’s too f*cking special for someone like me.

He motions for me to follow him. He walks back toward the fire, where Reagan is sitting on a log beside Gonzo’s chair. He’s looking at her like she’s the first girl he ever laid eyes on and she’s looking back at him like he’s a real fifteen-year-old. I mean, he is a real fifteen-year-old, but I doubt he gets treated like one very often. She looks up at her dad and smiles. “Dad, this is Gonzo,” she says. She grins, but Karl doesn’t correct her. I think he likes the nickname.

Her dad extends his hand, and Gonzo reaches out to shake. I don’t think the kid gets this often, either. He looks almost honored, and I realize right then and there that I will do whatever it takes during camp to make sure he has a good time. He deserves it. Five days to be a normal boy.

“Reagan,” her dad says, cupping the back of her head in his big hand. She looks up him expectantly. “You met Pete?”

She nods and nibbles on her lower lip. “Briefly.”

“Don’t let me catch you in the woods with him again,” he says.

“Dad,” she complains.

“And don’t go into the woods with Gonzo, either. He looks even more dangerous than Pete.” Her dad scowls.

Gonzo grins.

Her dad points a finger at him. “Do you hear me, young man?” he asks. “Hands off my daughter.” He leans down and kisses her forehead. “I know she’s pretty, but she’s off-limits.” He points at me and back to Gonzo, going back and forth a few times. “I got my eyes on you two.”

Tammy Falkner's Books