Calmly, Carefully, Completely(114)

I roll onto my back and pull her to straddle me. “I don’t know how many more times I can come, Pete,” she says. She draws her lower lip between her teeth and worries it.

“Ride me,” I say. She reaches between us and takes me in her fist, giving my dick a slow pump. It’s slick with her juices. I stop her hand, and she balances on the head of my dick. I take her hips and draw her down on me, until she has all of me. Then I bring her down to lie on my chest and I f*ck her hard from below.

She cries out my name between whimpers, and I f*cking love that she’ll let me love her like this. Her breaths move by my ear and she says, “I love you, Pete,” over and over and over and I can’t believe how f*cking lucky I am.

She comes apart in my arms, and I hold her tightly as I come, too. I pour myself into her, and my love for her overflows my heart. I wrap my arms around her, and she’s still quaking. I brush her sweaty hair behind her ear. “Are you all right?” she asks. She rests her chin on my chest and looks up at me. I slip from inside her, and I can’t bite back a groan as we separate.

“I’m fine,” I say. I look up at her and suddenly feel very sorry for doing that to her. “What about you?” I ask. “Please tell me I didn’t hurt you.”

“Pete,” she breathes. “You have to get over your fear of hurting me.”

“I’m pretty much over it,” I say. After that, I don’t have a fear left in my body. I chuckle. “I’m all the way over it.”

She lies there draped across me, and nothing ever felt so right. I draw little circles on her back.

“I love you completely, princess,” I say.

She accepts me like no one ever has. She accepts me as Pete. She accepts me as that ex-con. She accepts me as a brother to four men who will love her because I do. And I hope one day, she’ll accept me as her husband because I don’t think I could live without her at this point.

She giggles, and the feel of it rolls through me. “I think I’m going to be too sore for you to love me completely again tonight.”

“I can think of some ways to work around that.”

I hear a plaintive little meow from the other side of the door and look over to see a tiny paw sweeping back and forth in the gap where the door doesn’t quite touch the floor. “Go get my cat,” she says, shoving my shoulder. “You wore me out. I can’t move.”

I laugh and go let her kitty into the room.

Epilogue: Matt

Reagan is teaching a class on self-defense at the recreation center, and all of us Reed brothers were told to be there. None of us knew she wanted to use us as practice dummies. “Aren’t we supposed to get face masks and some padding for this?” Paul asks as he tries to block a kick to his groin from Friday. He succeeds but only barely.

“I could have so had you!” Friday cries. She pumps her fist in the air, and Paul wraps an arm around her waist and swings her around playfully. She shrieks and bats at his hands, but he doesn’t let her go.

Reagan looks at Pete and winks. She’s not afraid for any of us to touch her anymore. She’s never been afraid of Pete, but now she’s calm and content around us all, and sometimes I pick her up and hug her just because I can. She makes Pete so f*cking happy. “Come attack me,” she says. “Pretty please?” she adds when he hesitates.

He groans and pushes to his feet. He’s still on the ground from the last time he pretended to attack her. He comes at her, and she spins around and flips him onto his back. He groans and rolls into a ball. “Enough,” he cries. “Someone else has to take a turn.”

Tammy Falkner's Books