
Turning away from him, I begin heading back into the building. I only make it a few feet when I hear him call my name and, without turning back, I quickly rattle off my address. I put a little extra swing in my hips as I make my way down the sidewalk, confident in the fact that he’s most likely staring at my ass as I go.
I have no idea when or even if he’ll actually show up at my house. The only thing I’m certain of right now is that if I don’t find out what it feels like to have sex with Collin McDaniels, I’m going to spontaneously combust from desire.

Chapter 7—Burn With You

I COULDN’T BRING myself to care that Finnley was still technically married. When she told me Saturday night at the bar she was separated, it was the only confirmation I needed to stop feeling guilty about wanting her so much I ache with it and take the kiss I’d been thinking about ever since I saw her again. One kiss, that’s all I told myself I wanted, just a single taste of her lips to see if my memory had served me well. As soon as I felt her tongue against mine, I was thrown back in time seventeen years, my dick hardening in my jeans immediately when she opened her mouth and let me in. It started off as a test to see if she had the same affect on me. We’ve been apart a long time and we’ve grown and both changed. Just the sight of her got my blood pumping, but who knew if kissing her would still have the same results? I quickly found out that my memory of Finnley was total bullshit compared to the real thing. She’d always been tall and slender and I remember loving the feel of her thin hips in my hands and her smooth skin beneath my palms. All those years changed Finnley for the better. She had curves now that made my head spin and tits that I knew would be more than a handful.
When the truck pulled up to the office building, I jumped down from the back giving orders to my men, more than a little surprised when I caught a glimpse of her leaning up against a tree not far from the building. My mom had given me regular updates on Finnley throughout the years, so I knew where she worked, but in the sea of people milling around the area, I never expected to run into her.
She ran off so quickly after that kiss Saturday night I figured I’d scared the shit out of her. I always thought the first time I saw her again would be spent apologizing for my dick behavior when I was young and dumb, not pushing her up against a wall in a bar, wishing she was wearing a skirt so I could slide it up her thighs and f*ck her hard enough to make the ache go away. I wanted to kiss her just once as an adult to see if I could finally put all of these obsessive thoughts I’d had about her for seventeen years to bed once and for all.
Unfortunately, that kiss only ignited the flame and now I just want to take her—on the floor, against the wall, in my bed—anywhere and everywhere I could finally experience the heat of being inside the body she’d always denied me when we were younger.
I’m not going to lie, it’s always pissed me off that we spent two years together and all of my attempts at seduction were turned down because she wasn’t ready, only to find out she jumped right into bed with that * Jordan not long after we broke up. I know we were young, I know we definitely weren’t ready for the heavy responsibility that comes with having sex, but I never understood what he had that I didn’t.
I’m thirty-three years old and I’m still pissed off about something that happened when I was seventeen. D.J.’s right, I’m a f*cking idiot.
Once the guys had the electrical fire under control in the basement and I knew the building wasn’t going up in flames, I made my way over to where Finnley stood with her eyes closed, deep in thought, to apologize for what happened Saturday night. I didn’t want her to think I was some pathetic guy who was still pining for his high school girlfriend after almost two decades, even if it was basically true. As soon as I got close to her and smelled her soft, fruity perfume and saw the outline of her hardened nipples through the thin material of her top, my good intentions left my body and were replaced by a rush of need. I wanted to put my mouth over the silk of her shirt and suck her nipples into my mouth. I wanted to stare down at the wet spot left behind that would showcase the rosy color of her nipples and then go back in for another taste, running my tongue in a circle around the tight buds.

Tara Sivec's Books