Breakaway (Beyond the Play, #2)(88)

She smiles cheekily. “You know I love when you’re inside me.”

Possessiveness unfurls like a sail, sending warmth from my scalp to my toes. I take a step forward and press my hand against her belly. “Here.”

She shudders as she puts her hand over mine. “There, babe.”

I sink to my knees, kissing her on the lips before dragging my mouth lower, to her perfect tits. I cup her pussy, warm and wet, and grind the heel of my hand against her clit. She whimpers, pressing against me, seeking as much contact as possible. I’d planned on kneeling, massaging her knee while using my mouth to get her off, but instead I stretch out on the bed and tug her so we’re spooning.

My softened cock fits into the crease of her ass snugly. I hook my chin over her shoulder as I work her with my fingers. She’s such a mess already, it’s easy; I get two fingers into her and find her g-spot as I continue to rub her clit. She’s shaking, letting out a string of little sighs and moans. My come is in her belly. She’s all fucking mine. The thought makes me choke out another moan.

I wring one orgasm out of her, then keep going until she gives me a second. I don’t want to stop touching her, even for a moment, but eventually she twists in my arms. Her pupils are blown wide, her bottom lip bitten. She cups my face on either side and kisses me like it’s the last thing she’ll ever do. She’s shaking even worse than when we got home, but at least she’s warm.

“Fuck my ass later,” she murmurs. “I wanna feel you deep.”

Then she slides off the bed and uses the towel to dry off the rest of the way.

I don’t move for a moment, caught up in her words—words she apparently means for me to sit with for the rest of the evening—and in watching the way she moves as she walks around. She raids my dresser for a t-shirt, then peeks into the hallway. Apparently, the coast is clear, because she darts out, coming back a moment later with our discarded clothes.

“Cooper?” she asks as she tosses me my clothes. “Did I break you?”

“In a good way.” I shake my head slightly. “You sure you want to go back downstairs?”

She wavers, but then her stomach growls loudly. “Gummy bears aren’t dinner,” she says, somewhat sadly. “I’ve learned that the hard way.”

When we head downstairs, Penny settles on the loveseat with Victoria—the guys pulled Remmy into the game—and takes out her notebook. I detour to the kitchen and heat two bowls of stew, then bring them out with bread and iced tea.

“That was way too long,” Izzy says, glancing over at me. She’s still on the floor, a couple cat toys spread out around her. Tangy is sitting a foot away, flicking her tail. She doesn’t look very impressed by the display. It takes my daughter a lot to get excited. A simple toy won’t do; you need to break out the tuna or the catnip or, on special occasions, the bird videos, for that.

“Agreed,” Sebastian says dryly. He pumps his fist as he makes a kill. Hunter high-fives him. “We were about to send a search party.”

Penny laughs, thanking me as she takes her bowl of stew. “Don’t go searching if you’re not sure you’ll like the answer.”

Izzy cups her hands over Tangy’s ears. “Excuse you, there are innocents here.”

“What’re you playing?” I ask pointedly. I join Izzy on the floor, but scoot so I’m leaning against Penny’s legs. Instead of changing into the clothes she’d been wearing, she opted to stay in my shirt, adding a pair of sweatpants that she had to roll up half a dozen times before they’d stay on her slim hips. I set my bowl aside to let it cool, massaging Penny’s knee through the fabric. She rests her hand on my shoulder and squeezes, a subtle thank you.

“Halo,” Rafael says. “Wanna join in?”

“Maybe after I eat.”

Tangy slinks past Izzy and settles in my lap. I cuddle the warm weight of her against my stomach as I work my fingers over Penny’s knee. Outside, lightning flashes, followed a few moments later by the rumble of thunder. Penny sinks her hand into my hair, half-dry now, and scratches her nails over my scalp. My eyes slide shut.

People talk about love like it’s a given, but until now, I didn’t know if that included me. Yet every moment like this? Penny by my side, working her way into my life just as thoroughly as Tangerine? I thank the universe that I’m lucky enough to experience them.



February 14th



Aw, without me?

Shut up, you know what I mean


I’m so fucking proud

I can’t believe it

I can

You’re a goddamn rockstar

I just keep staring at the document like, I don’t know even

Like it’s all going to disappear

It’s a mess but it exists??? I’m???

Send it to me

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