Branded (Fall of Angels #1)(79)

Josiah frowns while he moves away. “Excuse me?”

Both of them still have their guns aimed at each other. “That hotel means nothing to me.”

“How can you say that, Brandon? You know how important it is to me.”

Brandon’s finally reached me, and he towers over me, protecting me while I huddle over my dad. “To you, yeah,” he spits back to his uncle. “And that’s all you care about.”

“What? No, of course not,” Josiah says, laughing. “You’re my fucking nephew. Of course, I care about you.”

“So that’s why you sent your boys after me? Have them fucking shoot at us?” Brandon snaps. “You’re a fucking liar, and you know it.”

“I was only getting back what belongs to me,” Josiah says, eyeing me. “After all, she ruined my hotel, so it’s up to me to punish her. Not you. Now hand her over.”

He beckons Brandon, but Brandon doesn’t even flinch. “Over my dead body.”

A wicked smile forms on Josiah’s lips. “Why do you even care what happens to her? You two hate each other, no?”

Hate is such a strong word. I don’t know what I feel for Brandon right now, but I know for sure I could stab Josiah’s eyes out right now if I had the chance.

“What’s this? You two having feelings for each other now?” He laughs maniacally. “I can’t fucking believe this.”

“Shut up,” Brandon says.

“This is rich.” His uncle can barely keep it together. “You two? After all the shit you pulled?” He cocks his head. “You do know he killed your brothers, right?”

“Don’t you fucking talk about them,” I spit back, tears rolling down my cheeks.

He has no fucking right to even mention them.

Brandon exhales. “We.”


What does he mean?

“I didn’t do anything,” Josiah says.

“Stop lying,” Brandon hisses. “You drove me there with those men I didn’t even know. Those men killed her brothers.”

“You wanted them dead,” his uncle says, snorting.

So it’s true. He was there.

The muscles in Brandon’s face twitch. “I said I wanted them punished! I never intended to kill them. You forced me to be a part of something I didn’t want to do!”

“You’re an ungrateful son of a bitch, you know that?” Josiah spits on the floor. “All this time, I took care of you, helping you when you were at your lowest.” He sighs. “C’mon, Brandon. Just hand the girl over to me. You have nothing to lose.”

I can tell Brandon is having a hard time trusting him, and I can’t blame him. I wouldn’t trust a snake like that either.

“Why didn’t you just bring her to me?” Josiah asks. “All this could’ve been prevented.”

“Because I wanted my own revenge,” Brandon says.

“Revenge? On her? Why?” Josiah asks.

“The Zippo … She found it at the Burrell farm after the fire,” he answers, frowning.

“So?” His uncle raises his shoulders.

“That Zippo was at my papa’s shop when he was murdered. She led her brothers to my papa,” Brandon says.

“That’s not true, I already told you,” I say.

Josiah suddenly bursts out into laughter. Brandon and I look at each other, confused as to what’s going on.

“You honestly believe the Burrells did it?”

Brandon’s eyes widen.

“Boy, you’re so fucking dense you can’t even see what’s going on in front of your own eyes,” his uncle says, snorting. Then the look in his eyes changes so much he looks like the devil himself.

“You’re all a bunch of idiots. All the fucking Burrells, and now you too. Damn, I expected so much more from you, Brandon.” He shakes his head. “Such a fucking shame.”

“Tell me what the fuck is going on,” Brandon exclaims.

“Your papa owed me a lot of money, Brandon,” he explains, tapping his gun against his forehead.

“Bullshit. My papa paid you back. I was there myself,” Brandon retorts.

“That was for the shop. But your papa had to go and snoop around my business. He found out I was selling drugs to my clients, and I could no longer trust him.”

Brandon’s entire body begins to shake.

“I should’ve known something was up when he packed up everything and moved out of the reserve with you and your mom,” he says. “Took me some time to figure it out. Anyway, I didn’t want him to suffer, but anyone who tries to meddle in my business is a threat. Especially when they’re planning on ratting me out to the police.” He taps his foot on the floor. “I don’t like people who threaten my money, boy, and I don’t like it when people betray me.”

Josiah looks up at us from underneath his hooded lashes, the darkness in his eyes bringing ripples of fear to my stomach. I want to hurl.

“Do you understand now?” he adds, his tone toe-curling deep. “I was the one who had him killed.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


A rage like never before overcomes me, boiling up underneath my skin until I scream.

Clarissa Wild's Books