Branded (Fall of Angels #1)(14)

“I like you too,” I say after a while.

For some reason, that makes her laugh. She buries her face in her hands and shakes her head, then says, “You think?”

“Was it that obvious?” I reply casually even though my heart is racing.

“What the fuck …?” someone down below mutters.

Suddenly, a stone flies by my head.

“Hey, asshole! The fuck you doing with my girl?”

We peek over the edge. Derek’s peering up from down below with his fists on his hips and a murderous look on his face.

He picks up another rock and chucks it at me again. I barely manage to dodge it.

“What the fuck, Derek?” Dixie yells. “Did you follow me?”

“What the fuck are you doing here with him?” he yells back at her, not even answering her question. I’m pretty sure he did follow her. Why else would he know where to find her at this hour?

“I could ask you the same thing, asshole,” she hisses. “You’re a fucking stalker.”

“I’m just trying to protect my girl. That’s all,” he says.

She folds her arms around her knees. “I’m not your girl, and I don’t need protection.”

“Since when?” he hollers.

“Since I broke up with you!” she screams. “Stop acting like a douchebag and leave us alone.”

“I thought I told you to stay away from her,” he barks at me, completely ignoring her.

“She can do whatever she wants,” I say, glancing at her across my shoulder. “She seems to like it up here.”

“Don’t make me come up there and get you,” he says, giving her the stink eye.

“Don’t you fucking try,” she says. “I’ll fucking kick you off the ladder myself.”

I’m surprised by all the hatred she’s carrying. It reminds me of myself.

Maybe that’s why I’m so attracted to her. At least she knows what it feels like to be held back all the time and not taken seriously.

Derek snarls, “Dixie. Quit playing around.”

“Derek … leave.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen her more serious than this.

“If you don’t come down here, I’m going to tell your brothers what you’ve been up to.”

“And you think I care?” she scoffs. “They don’t control me any more than you do. We’re done. Over. Now get lost.”

She picks up the rock and chucks it right back at him. He tries to dodge, but it hits his shoulder, and he visibly squirms. I laugh in response. The expression on his face reminds me of my papa when I accidentally trashed his motorcycle while trying to ride the thing without a license.

Complete and utter rage.

“Dixie!” he screams.

Instead of responding, she grabs my shoulders, pulls me toward her, and smashes her lips on mine.

Holy fuck.

Her kiss is on fire, just like her personality, even though it ends just as quickly as it started. She rips away from my mouth and gives Derek a dirty grin. I know she used me just to get back at him, but hey, I’m not complaining. I’ll accept any kiss I can get from her.

“You …” Derek growls, glaring at me. “Think you can kiss my girl?”

“Who, me?” I say, pointing at myself, ridiculing him.

He snarls, “This is all your fault. You’d better watch your back, kid.” Then he turns around and storms off.

That sounded like a threat, but I’m not afraid. He can’t hurt me. And as long as Dixie prefers to kiss me over him, I’m calling myself the winner in this situation.

“Or what?” Dixie calls out to him, but he doesn’t even turn his head. “Thought so. Bye! Hope I never have to see your ugly face again!”

It takes a while for him to disappear and for the quiet to return to the streets.

“Wow …” I say. “That was—”

“Awkward?” she interjects.

I raise a brow. “I was going to say intense, but that’ll do.”

She smirks and shakes her head. “Sorry you had to go through that again.”

“It’s okay. I can take it.” I make a fist and smack my own hand. “If he tries to hurt you, let me know, and I’ll give him a good punch.”

“Don’t start a fight over me, please,” she says. “I’m not worth it.”

How can she say that?

Doesn’t she realize how valuable she is as a person?

Whoever put these thoughts in her head should get their head checked.

I grab a strand of her hair and tuck it behind her ear. “You are worth it to me.”

She purses her lips, trying to stop herself from smiling like crazy, but it’s not working.

So I lean in closer, and murmur, “Now … where were we?”

Chapter Seven


One week later Age 18

“Happy Birthday, son,” my papa says, shoving a package into my hands.

“What’s this?”

“Birthday present. What else?” He chuckles. “You didn’t think I’d forget about you, did you?”

I’m a bit flabbergasted. He didn’t even mention he was going to buy something, let alone celebrate this day with me. My papa has never been one for celebrations. He doesn’t even celebrate his own birthday. People always thought it was weird, but I didn’t know any different. Though when the people at school congratulate you everywhere you go, I always felt like I was missing out a little. Especially when others would discuss the gifts they got.

Clarissa Wild's Books