Beloved in His Eyes (Angel's Assassin #2)(45)
“Come with me,” Justina whispered, her voice full and thick.
Gawyn lifted her hand to his lips. “My place is here. In Acquitaine. At Damien’s side.” He realized how stiff and hurtful his words were and hugged Justina tightly. “I would give it all up for you, Justina. But I can’t. I can’t leave him. He’s my brother.”
Justina held him, and a soft, broken sob echoed in his ears. She broke away from his hold and turned quickly, moving to her horse.
Gawyn stood frozen, as if his entire heart had been wrenched from his chest.
“You want to go with her?” Damien asked in astonishment. His brother now stood beside him, staring at him. “Back to her farm?”
“My place is here with you.” He looked at his brother. He had left Damien on that accursed slave ship, abandoned him when they were children, and it had taken Damien a lifetime to forgive him. He would never make that mistake again. “I left you once and I won’t do it again.”
“Good,” Damien murmured, unconvincingly.
Gawyn looked back at Justina. He watched her walk away toward her steed and couldn’t help the longing and anguish that consumed him.
Damien stared at the woman. He couldn’t even remember her name. He glanced at Gawyn. His brother’s eyes were fixed on her as though the sun rose and fell with her. Damien grimaced. What did he see in her? Part of this animosity was jealousy, Damien knew. He had just found Gawyn. He had just gotten his brother back and they had become friends. He depended on him more than he did with anyone else. How dare this woman come between them? He would not give him up.
And then Aurora stepped up beside him, sliding her fingers through his.
Damien looked at her. His entire body ached with longing for her. She was his sunshine, his life. He knew what life was like without her and he never wanted to live that life again.
She stared at him with large, piercing blue eyes filled with sympathy, as though she understood what he was experiencing.
Lord, he loved her. He loved her beyond reason.
Suddenly, Damien snapped his gaze back to Gawyn. Understanding sliced through the jealousy like a sharp blade. Gawyn loved Justina. And it was a moment later that Damien realized he did indeed know her name. Gawyn loved her maybe as much as he loved Aurora.
Damien had been in darkness without her. And he didn’t want his brother to be in that world.
Gawyn had saved him over and over again. It was time Damien returned the favor. He released Aurora’s hand and turned away from Gawyn as if heading back to the castle. “You’re fired.”
“What?” Gawyn asked, shocked.
Damien looked at Aurora. “I said…go and be a farmer.”
Aurora’s lips turned up in proud satisfaction. She had known!
Gawyn stood, dumbfounded.
Damien knew he was doing the right thing, no matter how much he would miss his brother, no matter how much his heart hurt.
“No,” Gawyn said. “I’m not leaving you.”
Damien turned to him again. “It’s not another country. It’s on the border of Acquitaine.”
Gawyn still shook his head, refusing. “I made that mistake before and I will not do it again.”
Damien knew how much Gawyn regretted leaving him on the slave ship when they were young. It all seemed a different time, a different life. He put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I want you to be happy.”
Gawyn’s brow furrowed in indecision and confusion.
Damien squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll send word if I need you. I expect you to do the same. I officially relieve you of your command.”
Gawyn’s intense gaze, a gaze filled with hesitancy and plagued with an internal struggle, focused on Damien.
Damien felt Gawyn’s loyalty to his core, yet he felt his brother’s desire to be with the woman he loved. The two brothers stared at each for a long moment before Gawyn grasped Damien and pulled him into a tight embrace.
Damien knew he was leaving. Missing Gawyn had already claimed a dark corner in his soul. Blood bound them, determination brought them together, and loyalty united them.
Gawyn pulled back and looked Damien in the eye. A silent vow of brotherly love passed between them before Gawyn turned and raced after Justina.
He caught up with her, grabbing her hand and spinning her around. He pulled her to him, kissing her tenderly.
Aurora joined Damien, watching Gawyn. “I’ll miss him.”
Damien nodded in agreement. He wrapped a hand around Aurora’s waist and pulled her to his side. Her warmth banished the darkness inside him.
“Will you be all right?”
Damien stared at Gawyn as he walked hand in hand with Justina toward the horse. He grinned. “I’d pay to see him working in the fields.”
Aurora smiled. “She’ll teach him. He’ll be a grand farmer.”
“A farmer with a sword.”
“At least he will protect our border.”
Damien turned to her in surprise. “Always thinking about yourself,” he teased, because that was always the last thing Aurora did.
She entwined her hands around his neck. “You said I should start.”
“And so you should.” He kissed her lips, tasting her, loving her. He would be forever grateful to Gawyn for bringing her back to him.
As Damien and Aurora headed back to the castle, Damien turned one last time to watch his brother depart.