Beloved in His Eyes (Angel's Assassin #2)(38)

He nodded. “Does the water come from the river?”

She looked at the river. “I suppose it does. I don’t really know for sure.”

Gawyn scanned the tops of the wall but could see no guards. He assumed the Hungars had not breached the city wall. Why would they camp outside of it if they had? Most of the guards would be on the other side of the city wall, defending it from the Hungars. They were on their own.

He glanced at Justina on the horse. She stared at the wall with concern. He was never going to leave her again. The women would come with him. He just hoped there was some way to gain entrance to the village.

He moved through the forest, trying to put distance between the Hungars’ camp and them. He went as far as he could in the forest, until he came to Sterling River. He looked toward the Hungars camp, but the city wall blocked his view. He tethered his steed to a tree, hoping to return for it. He reached for Justina and helped her from his horse. Then he helped Aurora dismount. “We walk from here. Try to stay low.” He took Justina’s hand and glanced toward the other side of the wall, toward the Hungars’ camp. It was hidden behind the wall. He hoped that would give them a measure of safety as they raced across the clearing.

He looked up at the sky. The grey of night was fading to be replaced with pinks as the sun began to climb higher. They had to go now. He was hoping the wall would keep them hidden from the Hungars’ view. This was so risky. If it were only him alone...

He took a deep breath and started across the clearing toward the wall. He kept a watchful eye on the other side of the wall, fearful a horde of Hungars would come charging toward them. He pulled Justina on, refusing to release her hand. He wasn’t going to lose her again. Not after the panicked anguish he had felt. He would die first. The thought startled him. He quickly pushed it aside. He would think of it later. He cast a glance at Aurora who was right behind them. She held her skirt up so as not to trip on it, but she was doing as he said, ducking her head and racing after them.

Their mad dash toward the wall was crazy. Insane. Because he didn’t even know if it would offer them safety or entry. He couldn’t think of any other way in. He knew the layout of the castle and the city, but had never had to get inside. His thinking had always been to keep others out.

They came to a halt at the moat. Gawyn led them as close to the river as he could for protection, out of eyesight of whatever Hungar sentry might come this way. They were still vulnerable out in the open. They would have to cross the moat to get to the wall. He tugged Justina forward. She resisted, and he glanced back at her. She was staring at the water. “It’s all right,” he whispered. “I’m right here.”

“How deep is it?” Justina asked, her gaze on the slowly moving moat.

Gawyn looked at the moat. He saw logs floating together, suspended in the dark water, but he couldn’t see the bottom. “I don’t know.”

“I’ll go,” Aurora offered. She stepped forward.

Gawyn caught her arm. “Can you swim?”

Aurora nodded. She moved into the water slowly. Gawyn stepped closer until his boots were in the water. He felt guilty having her go first. He should have been the one to test the waters.

Aurora paused and shivered. She looked at the wall of the city and lifted her chin and straightened her shoulders before moving into the black water. The dark liquid moved up her legs the further she got until she was waist deep.

Gawyn took another step forward without relinquishing Justina’s hand. His gaze locked on Aurora as she moved through the water. He was ready to dive in, if she needed him. Halfway through the moat, she lurched forward, swimming.

“No,” Justina murmured, pulling her hand from Gawyn’s hold. “I can’t.”

Gawyn waited, watching until Aurora got her footing on the other side of the moat and walked out of the water. He breathed a soft sigh of relief and nodded to her before turning to Justina.

Justina’s gaze was locked on the water, her eyes wide with fear.

Gawyn eased her chin up until her gaze met his. “Look at me.”

“I can’t swim,” she whispered. “The water is over my head.”

“You don’t have to,” Gawyn said softly. “Just hold onto me. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I’ll wait here. I’ll be fine.” Her gaze darted to the top of the wall. “I’m so close to the wall. I can just wait here.” She nodded, satisfied with her plan.

Gawyn’s gaze moved slowly over her face, his lips twisted in a humorless grin. He was not going to let her wait here.

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

He took her hand and began to lead her into the water. A step. Then another. He held her hand tightly.

She stopped walking as the water soaked her slippers and the hem of her skirt. “I can’t, Gawyn.”

“You have to,” he insisted. He took both of her hands into his own.

She shook her head, her eyes wide. “I can’t do it. Adam was the swimmer. I never could.”

Gawyn’s gaze swept her face with compassion. Her brown eyes shifting between him and the water at her feet. Her forehead wrinkled with concern. She had been through so much. He would not force her. He nodded. “Then we’ll wait here. Maybe someone will see us from the walls before the Hungars find us.”

“No.” She pulled her hands from his hold. “You go. Aurora needs to lead her people. She has to get into the castle.”

Laurel O'Donnell's Books