Beautiful Burn (The Maddox Brothers, #4)(16)

Mother shook her head, and then retreated to my father. He held her as if they were identifying my body.

Sally took over. “Your trip to the South China Sea with Finley has been canceled, as have your credit cards and access to family homes and employees. You are allowed to stay here for ninety days. You must find employment, and once you reimburse your parents for the amount in damages you’ve cause to the residence, some of your privileges will be reinstated.”

I grit my teeth. “Fuck off, Sally.”

Sally didn’t flinch.

“Ellison, really,” Mother said. “Maricela and José have been instructed to keep food in the pantry and the main quarters clean. Other than that, it’s up to you.”

“Let me get this straight. You’re going to leave me penniless, alone—since I know Fin is going on this trip without me—and without transportation, but you want me to get a job and work off tens of thousands of dollars while also paying for daily necessities and rent? Gas, taxis, toilet paper, food? How am I supposed to do both? Do you have any idea what rent is like in this town? What you’re proposing is asinine.”

“We’re not proposing,” Sally said. “This is your life now.”

I crossed my arms. “I’m sure my shenanigans have cut into your payments, Sally.”

“Bunny,” Father began.

Sally held up her hand. “We talked about this, Mr. Edson. Ellison, this isn’t about me. This is about you.”

“What’s in it for you? What do you get out of this?” I asked, seething.

“Nothing. Healing your family is my job.”

“Not for long,” I warned. “Don’t forget who signs the check, Sally. It isn’t my mother, and Daddy doesn’t subscribe to your bullshit.” I pointed to my father. “Daddy, you can’t let her do this.”

“This is best,” my father said without conviction.

“Best for who? You’ve raised me to be this person. Now you’re going to punish me for it? I didn’t used to be this way. I’ve tried being good to get your attention. Nothing works!”

“Guilt,” Sally said.

“This is a tourist town! No available job here is going to pay enough to satisfy whatever it is I owe, and rent and bills! It will literally take me years!”

“Reasoning,” Sally said.

When my father didn’t show any signs of recanting, I pushed out my bottom lip, sitting crisscross to appear child-like. “I know I messed up. I’ll be better, Daddy, I swear.”

“Bargaining,” Sally said.

A tear fell down my cheek. “I will hate you after this. This is not going to bring us closer. I will never speak to you again.”

Sally cleared her throat. “Manipulation. Those tears are instruments, Philip.”

“Fuck you, you abhorrent cunt!” I clutched the sheets in my fists and bounced once on the mattress as I screamed.

My parents’ eyes grew wide. Sally looked relieved. “There. There is the real Ellison. You aren’t penniless. You still have use of the house. Maricela will make sure there are basic provisions. The rest, as Meredith has said, is up to you.”

My father watched me with pain in his eyes. I knew this was killing him inside. “We do love you. You’re right, bunny, we’ve failed you. This is the only way we know how to fix this.”

“I know,” I said through my teeth. “Leaving someone else in charge of my fate has always been your go-to.”

He winced, and my mother guided him out and down the hall. Sally stayed behind with a smug smile on her face.

“You can go,” I said, looking at the window across the room where, only half an hour before, Finley and I had been admiring Paige’s beauty and discussing how I shouldn’t ruin her.

“You can call your parents, Ellison. But not to torture them. Not to beg. Not to try to change their minds. I will be with them for the next three months. Your phone bill has been transferred to your name and responsibility. You have a basic package until you can afford more, so use it wisely.”

I turned to her, hoping to kill her with my glare. “Why are you still here?”

“It is important that you use this time to better yourself. This is going to be life-changing for you, Ellie. Take advantage. What your parents are doing is the hardest thing they’ve ever done, and they’re doing it because they love you.”

“Oh my God, Sally. You’re right. I’m cured.”

Sally breathed out a laugh. “I’m glad to see you’ve maintained a sense of humor.”

“That wasn’t humor, imbecile; it was sarcasm. You can f*ck right off with my gullible parents, you greedy, scheming snake.”

“Best to you, dear. I do hope we’ll talk soon.”

“I hope you text my parents asking for money, two seconds too long before looking up and being hit head-on by a truck full of toxic waste.”

Sally didn’t look appalled, but sad, turning for the door without another word. She spoke softly with my parents, Maricela, and José before the front door closed and their car headed for the gate.

I pounded my fists against the mattress, screaming as loudly as I could. The words coming from my mouth didn’t even make sense, and I couldn’t remember what was said from one sentence to the next, but I had no choices, and it was the only thing to do.

Jamie McGuire's Books