Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(61)

Jaxon and I still hung out before and after our classes, and he would come over to study a couple of times a week. I would make him lunch on our short day together, and sometimes I would even make dinner for all five of us if I wasn’t working. We would fool around often times in the afternoons when everyone else was at school, but we hadn’t had sex again. I wasn’t sure why that was; we just never took it that far.

I ended up having to miss another game to make it up to Ed for skipping out for a week unexpectedly. I had been able to make all of the ones after that. Currently, we were undefeated and it was amusing to see how Dalton thought that Jaxon was his best friend now. I’m sure it had nothing to do with how good Jaxon made him look. Every party that we went to, Dalton would pull him in to be some kind of wingman for him.

Quinn and I had gone back home for the short, four-day Thanksgiving break. It was nice to have that time with Ellie and Charles. I was really looking forward to spending time alone with Quinn, but she sulked around the whole time, depressed about missing Cole. He had gone home with Jace and Jaxon to see their families. I don’t know why either of them bothered going home, because they spent the majority of their time on the phone together. I called Jaxon occasionally while they were gone and he seemed busy when he answered, so I let him go shortly after. He texted me a few times, but overall, nothing was going anywhere between us.

We had been to a bunch of fraternity parties over the last month. Cole and Quinn would usually dance together the whole time they were there. Jaxon would wind through the crowds dancing and talking to everyone. Jace would pop in and out,but he wasn’t a big partier.

It was second nature for me to go find some Frat boy and go upstairs with him to have a good time. A part of me wanted that old me back that could just hook up with some hot random guy and then go back to enjoying my night. Ever since Jaxon, I just couldn’t follow through with it and it was beyond frustrating. I would go upstairs with them and start making out. But for some reason, I just couldn’t get my body to go any further. Usually after about ten minutes of trying to make advances on me that I wasn’t reciprocating, or when they got tired of my rejections period, they would get up and leave me there.

The first couple of times it happened, I tried sneaking back down the stairs without people seeing me do my walk of shame. Even though I hadn’t actually done anything, everyone here knew my reputation. I was mainly trying to avoid Jaxon; it felt wrong for him to know about me being with someone else. After I had finally made it back down, he would ultimately always come seek me out to make sure I was okay. Eventually, I stopped caring if he saw me come down or not. His eyes would always find me coming down the stairs and he would give me the “okay” signal with his fingers. I always gave it back, gesturing that I was. I’m such a liar.

After Thanksgiving break, I was beyond frustrated; it had been way too long since I had sex. I was determined that if I wasn’t going to woman-up and talk to Jaxon, I needed to get laid by someone. We were all at the Sig Alpha, “Welcome back from Thanksgiving, let’s have a party” party. Seriously, any reason to drink, dance, and have sex, these guys would come up with a party for it. I had gone upstairs with Easton, one of the football/frat guys and he took his shirt off the instant we walked in the room. I’m not sure what I was thinking; Easton and I have hooked up before. I don’t remember him having a tattoo on his bicep, but maybe I had been too drunk to notice last time or it was new. I was determined to follow through, but the second I caught a glimpse at that tattoo I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. It reminded me too much of Jaxon’s, only Jaxon’s was ten times hotter. Then I just started thinking about everything Easton was lacking compared to Jaxon.

Kimberly Lauren's Books