Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(39)

I turned around and stepped up into the truck. Jaxon tried to help me up, but I got into it before he could even touch me.

“Emerson, I don’t take you on the bike because the idea of you getting hurt makes me physically sick to my stomach. I need you here.” He patted the leather bench seat. ”Safe, not on the back of a motorcycle where one mistake can end you. You’re so small. It worries me even to think about you back there.” He turned my body to face him and his hands were on my thighs.

“I don’t need a protector, okay?” I breathed.

“I’m trying my f*cking hardest here, Beautiful.”

He stepped up into the cab and leaned in over me. His lips were hovering lightly over mine. I couldn’t resist him when he was this close. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of me as I lay back onto the leather. I knew anybody walking by would see our legs sticking out the open door but I really didn’t care right now. He kissed me hard and fast. I ran my hands down his back and dug my nails into him through his t-shirt. He groaned against my mouth, while I could feel how ready he was for me through his jeans.

He placed his hands down on the bench on either side of my head and started pushing away from me. “Emerson, no.” I looked up at him, speechless. “You’re not allowed to have sex for two weeks; if you keep this up, I’m not going to be able to say ‘no’ soon.”

Well that was easy enough. I grabbed a hold of his shirt and pulled him back down to me. He shook his head before our lips could meet, climbed off of me, and out of the truck. He came around to the driver’s side, scaled in and startedup the truck.

“Seriously?” I asked him. “This has never happened to me before.” I actually couldn’t believe this was happening; what guy denies sex? Especially with a girl he was obviously attracted to.

“Oh trust me; I’m calling myself an idiot in about ten different languages at the moment.” He avoided my gaze.

The drive back to the apartment was long and quiet. He had country music turned up loud while very softly he sang along. I loved listening to his voice and could melt into a puddle in his lap hearing him sing for the first time. I wanted him so bad. I needed to think of a way to change his mind. I knew how to seduce guys; I’d been doing it for years. There’s no reason why I shouldn’t be able to seduce Jaxon Riley. We pulled up to the apartment and he parked the truck in their designated garage. When he turned off the ignition, I quickly pulled my shirt over my head. I knew he would appreciate my black lacy bra.

“Fuck…” He instantly put his palms over his eyes.

I climbed over into his lap and straddled him. He still had his elbows in the air, with his palms pushing into his eyes.

“Emerson, you’re cheating,” he spoke in a breathy voice.

I leaned in real close to his lips and whispered, “No I’m not.” He let out a long, frustrated groan.

The cab of the truck was silent as he waited for my next move, or for me to get off. I reached behind and unclasped my bra. I grabbed his hands from his eyes. When I removed them from his face, his eyes slammed shut. I pulled his hands down to my chest and cupped each hand to me. He gently squeezed and moved his hands around slowly. I smiled when I saw his eyes open and look right at me. He brought a moan out of me with how good it felt to have him touching me again. The second he heard my moan though, he lifted his hands away from me and put them behind his head.

With a cocky grin he said, “Uh-uh, you’re not getting me like this. I’m going to make you wait two weeks, and then you’ll be dying for me.”

Kimberly Lauren's Books