Bait: The Wake Series, Book One(89)

“I did.” I was fixated on his mouth. I wanted to put my lips on him. I wanted to touch and undress him, but this was his show and I was only too happy letting him run it. The energy coming off him was palpable.

“Do you know how hard I am? I don't know if you considered my lack of restraint when it comes to you this close to me.” His hands grazed way down my arms. “What is all of this?”

“I wanted to do something for you.” I looked up at him through my lashes. “I want to make you happy. I want to be your Valentine.” I took a deep breath, the anticipation of his body hot against mine at the forefront of my thoughts. “Open me.”

Ten fingers rushed my face and his lips crushed mine. Then he lifted me into the air. Eye to eye. Mouth to mouth. His arms wrapped around me and held me close. Mine went straight into his hair, my fingers spreading to get a grip on my unavoidable man.

“You taste like the night we met,” I heard him say.

He walked us farther into the room, me in his arms, our mouths tasting one another, his tongue circling mine to a beat unheard before.

I let my head fall to his neck and I opened my mouth to wet him with kisses, inhaling his scent—earthy and masculine and something sweet and only him.

The music changed again, but at that time, I couldn't tell you what the song was.

When my feet touched the floor again, his hands were urgent. He undid the bow where my robe tied in the front and he pushed the silk off my shoulders. The fabric easily slid off me.

The look in his eyes was feral. “Look at you. You're trying to kill me, aren't you?” He teased as his hands found my breasts and cupped me. Like he couldn't decide what he wanted to touch, he roamed me. Over the tight trussed-up corset, around to my ass, and back in quick succession.

“I’ve missed you. I know I'm not good to you and I'm sorry,” I said, not knowing where the words were coming from.

With a finger over my mouth he said, “Shhh. I'm a big boy. I can handle it.”

He was right. He did handle it, but what I didn't know was how. I could barely manage.

He continued, “You're my Valentine. Tonight you're mine. Understand me? Even your thoughts.” He caressed my cheek. “Don't think about anything but me. That's what I want. I'm going to take everything you're wearing off. I'm going to touch every inch of you with my mouth. And I'm not going to pretend this is just a fling tonight, like I've done every time. For one night, I want you to pretend like it's me you're promised to,” his thumbs ran over my lips, “Mine to care for and adore. Say yes to me. Even if it is only for tonight. Please?”

His words came honest. I knew he didn't always say what he felt, because of me. Because I fought my feelings hard and so, battled his as well.

I'd said the most honest sentence I had, “Then I'm yours.” And with all my damned heart, I wished the words were true. He had never offered me more, and I didn’t think he ever would.

He took his time unwrapping me. I luxuriated in the feeling of his hands on me and my body followed his gentle direction. When the corset was gone and I stood there in my panties, my hands began wandering him. I couldn't help want to touch his body the way he had been mine.

My nimble fingers undid the button on his coat and he shrugged out of it. My hands untucked his pressed dress shirt and began the climb of buttons separating him from me. I pulled it open and found him, like always, well defined and muscular. His stomach cut with lean muscles that flexed under my hands. His chest strong and firm. The long ridge of his collarbone, my favorite meal.

I didn't bother with removing his shirt. Having even the slightest access to him was enough for me.

In my panties, stockings, and shoes I bent down to my knees with one thing in mind. I wanted to taste, to touch, and to have all of him. To please only him.

I kissed along the top edge of his dress pants, undoing his belt, and pulling it through its loops. Then, I tossed it away. The zipper went the way zippers do in these situations, and to my wonderful surprise, he wasn't wearing anything underneath. I smiled at my discovery. It looked like he had finally made a decision about his undergarments.

My mouth continued to water.

His skin, too, was bare. But unknown to him, so was I.

My fingers circled underneath his length and pulled him out. I ran both of my hands under his pants to his ass and pulled them down farther to expose his scrotum, taught and collected tightly against him. Everything about him was beautiful.

M. Mabie's Books