BROKEN AND SCREWED(Broken_Part One)(80)

I was 18; I had been for a year now. They didn’t have to tell me a thing anymore.
It was the end of April when Angie asked me a question that I had never considered before.
“Who are you going to prom with?”
My head jerked up. “What?”
Then she slammed her locker and raised her eyebrows.
“Prom. You. Me. It’s in two weeks. Who’s taking you?”
“No one.” I blinked rapidly, for some reason dumbfounded again. Prom? I’d only been thinking about graduation, well, not really. I still hadn’t told Angie about my Grant West scholarship. I’d been holding that in for two weeks, waiting for the right time. It never happened. I never wanted to risk Angie’s wrath again.
“No one? Are you kidding me? I thought Michael Helmsworth was drooling all over you at the party last weekend.”
Oh. That’s right. I’d forgotten about the party.
Angie snorted as she slung her purse over her shoulder, along with her book bag. “What? Did you forget?”
I had. “No.”
She stared at me with narrowed eyes. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
Then her hand went to her hip. My eyes widened. I knew what that meant.
“Alex.” Her voice dropped to the no-nonsense tone. “What aren’t you telling me?”
“I forgot about Mike. Really.” I scratched the back of my head. “But I thought it was Carl, his brother.”
“Oh, yeah.” The hand fell away.
Thank god.
And we were walking again, towards the parking lot. “So, who are you thinking?”
“For what?”
“For prom.” Angie threw her hands up. “I swear that I’m having a conversation with myself here. Are you here? Are you actually Alex? Or did we leave you somewhere I don’t remember?”
“Yeah, Las Vegas,” I muttered before I realized what I said. Then my hand clamped over my mouth and I stopped in my tracks. I had not said that. I really hadn’t.
But Angie grew quiet and looked away.
I had said it.
When she turned back, I wasn’t expecting the tremor in her voice as she rasped out, “I’m sorry, okay? I thought it was for the best if you and he stopped doing whatever it was that you were doing. I didn’t expect for you to be like a zombie again.”
A baseball formed in my throat and I swallowed it away. It was painful as it slipped down, but I mustered up a tentative smile. “It’s okay, Ang. I was going to end it with him anyway. I just did it ten hours earlier than I had planned. That’s it.”
I touched her hand and she held onto it tightly. “Really.”
She let out a deep breath of air. “Thank god. You don’t know how guilty I’ve felt since that trip, not to mention Marissa.” She sneered as we went past the name-we-rarely-used’s locker. And she was there. She straightened with a book in hand and glared back, but her eyes flickered as they rested on me for a second. Sarah Shastaine cleared her throat behind her and the name-we-rarely-used turned her back to us.
That was the most interaction we’d had with her since Thanksgiving break.
“Ugh,” Angie growled. “She drives me crazy.”
“Yeah, that happens when people suddenly drop out of your life with no explanation.” There was heat to my words and I was surprised at myself. Where had that come from?
“What’d you say?”
“Oh. Okay. Well…” We approached the parking lot now and she paused by the door. “If no one’s asked you, then I think you should ask someone. What about Eric?”
My stomach dropped. “Like hell.” He already had chewed me out once. I wasn’t giving him another reason to do it again. Eric and I were better left forgotten, like everything else in my life.

Tijan's Books