Arranged: An Array Series (Book #1)(8)

Emma smiled, opening her mouth. “I lost a tooth, Lady Ava,” she said proudly.

“You sure did.” I grinned. “How did you lose it?”

“I tripped,” she said nonchalantly.

I muffled a laugh and looked up at Lord Ashton. “You must wrap her up in something soft, so she doesn’t scuff up her pretty face, my Lord.”

Lord Ashton chuckled deeply and nodded. “Very fine advice. The little thing didn’t come with an instruction booklet, so I’m afraid I’ve been learning everything by trial and error.”

“You are doing a fine job, Lord Ashton,” Eve reassured as she evaluated Emma. “Are you attending the LaRou’s anniversary party, my Lord?” she continued sweetly as I inwardly cringed. He looked down at Emma for a moment, and I stood, pinching my traitorous friend’s arm. Her squeal brought Ashton’s attention back, moving his chin length hair from his face.

“I am,” he finally said. “Will the both of you be in attendance?”

“We are on our way to Mr. Ryan’s shop right now to pick out a gown,” Eve noted. Lord Ashton directed his attention at me again, and I gave him a tight smile.

“Then I won’t keep you ladies from your shopping,” he concluded, holding his hand out for Emma to take.

“But Pa, I want to go with Lady Ava,” Emma pleaded.

Lord Ashton looked down at his daughter. “Maybe another time. Lady Ava and Lady Evelyn have plenty to do today. We must not keep them.”

Emma pouted, and I remembered doing the same thing when I wanted to change Papa’s mind.

“I promise, another time,” I told Emma. She gave me a tiny smile and nodded.

“Have a fun time, ladies,” Lord Ashton said, his brown eyes falling on me. I watched him walk away, and when he was out of earshot, I rounded on Eve.

“You don’t need to set me up, Eve. I think I’m perfectly capable of finding myself a husband.”

“You need a little push,” she stated with no remorse.

“You practically threw us together,” I accused.

Eve shot an annoyed glance over her shoulder as she started back down the sidewalk. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Are you going to propose for him too?”

“If it will get you out of your house, then absolutely. Start living your life, Ava. You were cooped up in that blasted orphanage for four years. Flirt, be reckless. We have to have fun before our looks fade and no man glances our way.”

“I’m not getting married anytime soon,” I grumbled. “I was ‘engaged’ most of my childhood.”

Eve sent me a mischievous look. “Who said anything about getting married?”

“That seems to be your diabolical plan.”

“You misunderstand me,” Eve went on, touching my forearm. “I want you to have fun. Do you know what that is, fun? It’s when you have a good time, talk to people, and laugh. You must leave your past behind. It’s over.”

Those words repeated in my mind throughout the day. It was over. I was nineteen years old and in the prime of my life. This was a new chapter. I had a new beginning. This time, I would write my own story.


Eve and I arrived back home, after hours of Eve trying on dresses. My feet hurt, and my stomach growled with hunger. Mr. Brooks opened the door for us on cue, wearing his emotionless fa?ade. He had been in our family since before I was born, and I’d never seen him crack a smile, despite my efforts.

“Oh Brooks, would you be so kind as to ask Mrs. Reynolds to make us some lunch?” Eve asked with a sweetened tone, handing him her pink shawl.

“Stay for dinner,” I told her. “Mrs. Reynolds serves it around six.”

Eve grumbled. “I can’t wait that long.”

I rolled my eyes. “Brooks, what time is it?”

He pulled out a pocket watch, glancing down briefly at it. “Half past four, my Lady,” he replied stonily.

“I can’t wait that long,” Eve repeated.

I scowled. “You can wait,” I replied, starting up the glossy oak staircase on my way to my room. “Let’s go figure out how we’ll wear our hair.”

Eve mumbled. “You’d just let your best friend starve to death. You’re cold, Barlow.”

“There is a gentleman in Lord Barlow’s study that is here to see you, my Lady,” Brooks announced. I stopped mid-step, almost to the top of the stairs, and turned around.

“Who?” I inquired.

“I am unaware. However, your father is with him now.”

“A gentleman?” Eve replied with a smirk. I shrugged and descended the stairs.

“You couldn’t have said anything prior to me climbing the stairs, Brooks?” I teased. Brooks stood there, emotionless. “Or not.”

“Who did you invite?” Eve asked, excitement in her voice.

“I didn’t invite anyone.” I headed for the door, placing my ear against it.

“Does the other voice sound familiar to you?” Eve whispered.

“Can’t hear through this thick door,” I mumbled.

“One way to find out.”

I placed my hand on the knob and pushed the door open. Locating Papa immediately, I saw him behind his desk holding a glass of brandy, and his apprehensive eyes locked with mine. A man sat casually in front of him, slim build, sandy blond hair, and tattered clothes. He had his leg propped on one of his knees while he slouched in the chair.

Hazel Grace's Books