America's Geekheart (Bro Code #2)(86)

Beck seems to remember we’re not alone, and he straightens suddenly with a broad grin. “That was epic.”

“You have the craziest luck,” Ellie tells him.

“Right? What are the odds that tweet would’ve brought us Sarah?”

And there goes more mushy warmth in my chest, because she clearly meant luck with the timing of Persephone giving birth, but instead, he wants to talk about me.

Dad recovers, and the gradual noises of people eating returns to the banquet hall. People start milling, all while the live video of Persephone tending her newborn calf plays on the projector.

No owls swoop in.

My dress doesn’t split.

Beck keeps a hand on me at all times. On my back. Brushing my hair out of my face. Touching my elbow to turn me to meet someone new.

No one asks about the tweet, but several people stop at our table and want to talk about Persephone or my blog or one of the projects the Ryders have worked on or how Ellie’s doing after her accident or what Wyatt’s plans are for after the military or how honored they are to have my parents here in Copper Valley.

They tease Beck about his underwear.

At least, until I point out it’s the most comfortable underwear on the planet and challenge them to prove they’re not wearing it.

All with a Mom-approved smile, of course. I am still Sunny Darling’s daughter.

The live feed on Persephone times out before any of us get a really good look at her calf, and the zoo’s curator tells us updates will be posted online as soon as the zookeepers are able to check over both mama and baby giraffe.

As the crowd begins to clear out and Charlie gives us the time to go signal, I pause and dig my phone out of my purse and hit the camera function. “How’s the light?” I ask Beck.

His brows knit together. “The light?”

“The light. We need to post another video. Since Persephone gave birth.”

His intense scrutiny slowly turns to a wide smile that makes my heart go skipping over itself. “Yeah?”

“Yes. And hurry up before Charlie marches us out of here and I lose my nerve.”

He takes my phone from me and holds it out, his long arms working to our advantage. “Ready?”

I nod, and he hits the button to record us.

“Hey, Must Love Bees followers, this is Sarah Dempsey. And this guy I picked up at some fancy dinner tonight. And I’m too excited to wait to get home and change before asking if you all saw that Persephone the giraffe gave birth tonight. If you were watching along with the rest of us, wasn’t she amazing? Such a beautiful creature. And if you haven’t seen it yet, well, don’t do what my dad did and pass out under a table. Maybe just wait for the pictures if you’re squeamish, okay? Hit the comments and tell me what you were doing when Persephone gave birth! I’m heading home for a nice long bubble bath and to wait for news about whether we have a girl or a boy.”

“She had a girl,” Beck says.

“You think?” I ask him.

“Definitely. Did you see how strong she was and how fast she stood up? Totally a girl.”

“Boy giraffes can also stand up soon after birth.”

“I guess, but I still think our baby’s a girl.”

My belly flutters. “Then I guess by default, I’ll have to guess he’s a boy.”

He grins at me. “Want to put money on it?”

“Nope, but I’d bet an ice cream sundae.”

“You’re on, taser lady.”

I wave at the camera. “Congrats to Persephone and the Copper Valley Zoo on their new addition.”

Beck shuts the video off, and before I can lose my nerve, I post it to my feed.

“You’re such a natural, sweetheart,” my mom says with a sniffle.

“I’m going to throw up.”

“No, you’re not.” Beck pulls me in for a hug and presses a kiss to my giant hair. “You’re the bravest fucking badass I’ve ever met,” he whispers.

“You’ve obviously lived a very sheltered celebrity existence.”

He laughs.

“Time to go, folks,” Charlie says.

We filter back out of the planetarium, thanking the staff as we go, and the bride whose wedding was canceled, which I didn’t know until Beck introduced me to her and she thanked us for saving her reception.

I hug her extra tight on the way out, because I know a thing or a million about awkward.

When we reach the three limos waiting at the door, Beck grips my hand. “You really going to girls’ night?” he murmurs.

“Depends. If I go home with you, will I need my clothes?”

“Nope. I got this amazing teddy bear robe you can borrow.”

The laugh sneaks out of me, and the next thing I know, I’m waving bye to everyone while we dive into the back of the first limo, and then his lips are capturing mine, his arms wrapping around me, and suddenly the only thing in the entire world that matters is kissing him back.

Because this isn’t what I’ve been waiting for from the moment he came back to my house to apologize after I tasered him.

This is what I’ve been waiting for my entire life.



I can’t keep my hands to myself.

Pippa Grant's Books