America's Geekheart (Bro Code #2)(64)

Dad points two fingers to his own eyeballs, then to Beck. “I’m watching you.”

“I’m watching me too, sir.” Beck gives him a salute, and then tugs my hand. “Ready, Sarah? Don’t want to miss the show.”

“We don’t?”

“Oh, yeah. It’s gonna be awesome.”

I wave to my parents, equal parts curious about just how funny a comedy show can be and eager to put Dad’s death glare behind us.

And also grateful that I don’t have to dress up for this one like I will Saturday night, when there will be hundreds more eyeballs on me. “Don’t wait up.”

“I’ll wait up,” Dad growls.

“No, you won’t, Judson. One more night on that couch will throw your back out. Serendipity, sweetheart, we’re going back to our hotel. Are you sure Meda’s okay here by herself? Cupcake misses her terribly.”

“Cupcake terrorizes her.”

“Nonsense. They were cuddling while you were at work today. I have pictures.”

“Let them go, Sunny,” Dad growls. “The sooner they leave, the sooner I can disembowel this filthy piece of rat dung trying to compromise my daughter.”

“Looking forward to it, sir,” Beck says, and we’re finally off.

“You do know he’s sixty percent serious, right?” I ask as we dash to his car.

“Nah. He’s just making up for all those boyfriends he didn’t get to threaten since you left home. And I’m an easy target.”

We get strapped in and we head out of the neighborhood, security behind us, paparazzi behind them. My neighbor at the end of the street, out watering her flowers, does a double-take at the car, squints to see in, and then flips us off.

“I don’t know what virus is going around town, but it’s giving people a horrible case of rigid digits,” he says. “Better wash your hands good. Often.”

“Is that your real story?” I ask, a smile creeping up at his ridiculously optimistic version of what’s going on. Mackenzie’s been filtering what I see, and by filtering what I see, I mean she stole my phone and removed my social media apps and installed a filter on my computer that won’t let me access the sites either, and she’s sending me regular screenshots of nice things people say.

“It helps.” He cuts a glance at me at a stop sign. “I’ve learned my lesson. Promise. And I’m still sorry I dragged you into it. Mostly. But only for the painful parts. You’re pretty awesome. I like hanging out with you.”

“You’re not half-bad yourself, despite your questionable judgment in fashion advice.”

He grins. “I’ve been saying that for years, but people keep being all, No, Beck, you’re brilliant, take our money.”

“Obviously they feel bad that you have to carry around those ape arms all the time and are trying to make you feel better about yourself.”

He grins wider.

I twist to face him. “Do you ever get offended? Because that was really mean of me.”

“Sit back and let your seat belt do its job, and yes. I get offended. I get offended when people are assholes to my family. Or when that jackoff on Twitter said Persephone was an ugly twat.”


“Yeah. Said Jagger—her baby daddy—probably threw up after he fucked her. Charlie had to throw my phone in the toilet to keep me from replying, because she’s gorgeous. Persephone, I mean. Were you watching today? She licked the camera. It was gross and adorable at the same time. Do you know giraffe tongues are like eight feet long?”

One day.

I want one day of being as happy about life as Beck Ryder is.

“What?” he asks as I stare at him.

Oh my god. I’m falling for Beck Ryder.


“Is it working?” I ask, because informing him that giraffe tongues are not eight feet long will make me feel even more of a frumpy stick in the mud than I am on a normal day, and I don’t want to just be a frumpy fact-spouting geek.

Not that I’m about to be much better.

“Is what working?”

“This. Us. To keep your foundation on track.”

I might be staying off the internet and letting Mackenzie only give me the good news while on temporary social media hiatus, but I did go to work today.

And I heard the whispers.

She’s probably just doing it so she can say she bagged Beck Ryder.

Do you think she’s planning on jumping ship and going to work for Ryder Consulting when this is all over?

How much did she have to pay those impersonators to pretend to be Judson Clarke and Sunny Darling?

Can you imagine how much he’s paying her?

Holy shit, look at that picture. She’s eating giant dick. CLEARLY eating giant dick.

The weird part was that they rolled right off. Mom used to say you learn real quick who your friends are.

I’m having gut instincts confirmed.

And it makes me wonder if this fake blooming relationship is actually doing what it’s supposed to.

He stares at the cars in front of us at a stoplight as he slowly nods. “Yeah. It’s working. Vaughn’s a good guy, and he’s about ready to stick up for me. Looks like we’ll still be on for launching the foundation on schedule. And that should clear up the rest of my reputation.”

Pippa Grant's Books