After the Wedding (The Worth Saga #2)(82)

She was on fire for him when he got her down to her shift. When he had on nothing but trousers, and a bulge in them, too.

He stood and undid the buttons slowly, stripping his trousers away to reveal lean hips meeting a sculpted stomach in a perfect cursive V. At the apex…

She slid her hand along that perfect line between thigh and torso, following it from hip to majestic point. God, he was perfect there, too. Dark skin, edging darker still at the tip of his penis. Erect and so lovely.

He let her play her hand along the length of him, exploring the entirety of the organ that would enter her, from root to end. Her body clenched in liquid anticipation.

She looked up at him. He knelt on the bed below her.


He set his hands on the hem of her shift. “Camilla?”


He took her shift off. For a moment, they looked at each other. The air was cold against her skin; her nipples pebbled in response. Then, ever so slowly, he set his hands on her knees and slid them apart. He inched forward, and set his mouth…

Oh, God. She’d imagined that sort of a kiss before in her wickedest dreams, and had been shocked at herself even then. Reality was even more delightfully shocking. His tongue swirled against her thigh, then up, until the tip slid inside her. She let out a little gasp.

He glanced up at her with a smile that could not have been more self-assured. As if he knew exactly what sort of pleasure shot through her at that lick. And the next one. His hand came up; his mouth shifted, clasping onto a point higher, and Camilla let out a squeak.

“Sweetheart. It does get even better.”

She nodded. “Of…course it does.”

He set his lips back against hers, and… And it got even better. Lick by lick. Swirl by swirl, until she shut her eyes and saw a spiraling pattern against her vision. Her fists clasped against the bedsheets, squeezing. Her thighs clamped around his shoulders.


“Yes.” She felt breathless, even though she was scarcely moving. So little—just the shift of her hips in time to the thrust of his tongue. She was on the verge of something powerful, something bigger than she’d ever experienced. She was on the verge of…

Of Adrian pulling away. Cool air touched her thighs. She looked up at him, and for one second, dark doubts assailed her.


He didn’t really want her. He’d done this to prove he could have her. He meant to leave her here and— And no. No. She stopped before her fear of the past caught up with her.

Adrian could never be cruel. Her doubts were unworthy of him.

She let herself frown a little. “You stopped.”

A little smile touched his lips. “I didn’t realize you’d warm so easily. And there’s much I haven’t done to you yet.”

“Do it all.”

He set his hands on her hips and came up off his knees until he was over her. “Don’t you worry, my lady Camilla. I will.” His fingers whispered up her sides. He leaned down, and his mouth caught her nipple.

She made a choking sound.

“Ah, you like that.” He licked around her areola, then gave her a determined suck. Her eyes fluttered shut again. She’d been on the brink of desperation when he’d stopped before; he drove her back to that brink now, desperate and needing. Wanting him. Wanting all of him.

And then she had it. A pressure—welcome, at this point needed—between her thighs. Pushing. Her body opened to him. He entered her slowly, masterfully. She felt herself stretching around him. She needed him so much.

He wasn’t holding back any longer. It was too late for an annulment now. It was too late to say no, and she never wanted to do it.

Now they were one.

He let out a sigh. She opened her eyes again to see him watching her tenderly. Perfectly.

He had chosen her. She would never stop grinning. He had chosen this, between them and nobody else, for ever and ever, for the rest of their days. She gave everything up to him.

He moved inside her. There was a delicious feel where they joined. She could drown in the sensation of his hands moving on her, of her body accepting his, over and over. The sound of their bodies made delightful music.

His mouth found hers once more. The sweetness she’d tasted before mixed with her own musk. His kiss lingered and possessed. His thrusts turned harder. Faster. He claimed her all over, and she gave herself up to him.

All of her.

She let go all at once, in a spill of perfection. She felt her body squeezing, catching fire…

And he did, too. She could feel the heat of him. His hands clenched into her hips. He let out a noise, a perfect little growl, as he came.

“Adrian.” She ran her fingers along his brow. It was damp with exertion. She looked up at him. “Adrian, sweetheart.”

“Camilla.” His eyes met hers. “God, I have wanted to do that for an age.”

“And now we can.”

They lay in each other’s arms. His hand stroked down her hair. It felt almost like perfection.

It took a moment to remember. “Your brother came by.”

He shut his eyes. “Oh, God. Grayson. He is going to be an absolute wretch. I have no idea what to tell him.”

“He had—of all things—a letter from my sister and brother. They…” She smiled shyly. “They asked us to visit? And—” It occurred to her suddenly, and another jolt of happiness raced through her. “They’ve met Grayson, and they want us to visit?”

Courtney MIlan's Books