After You Left(96)

The music changed. Eddy snatched her hand. ‘Okay, we’re dancing.’

She practically coughed up bubbles. Before she could protest, he was hauling her on to the dance floor. She recognised the minimal, lullaby-like strum of Roy Orbison’s acoustic guitar – ‘In Dreams’, a recent chart-topper – and barely managed to offload her glass on to a high-top table as she flew past it, powerfully conscious of his fingers clasped around her small hand.

‘Okay, we’re dancing?’ she mocked. ‘Is that common for, Would you care to have this dance?’

She was aware of the girls still watching them. It was ironic that she’d come to the wedding knowing only Elizabeth and had somehow managed to snag the best man.

‘It’s caveman for, I have to have my arms around you or I’m going to go mad.’

Roy started singing about closing his eyes and drifting into the magic night, and Eddy took her in his arms, and she chuckled. Despite wanting to maintain the stroppy act, she was failing with every try. In his arms, she was on air, weightless, gliding like a bird. Their feet fell into a spry rhythm that unfolded with the song’s suspenseful, pervading tempo. Eddy’s ad-libbed dance steps were a brave cross between a tango, a waltz and a foxtrot, but somehow, together, they worked the floor like two people who had spent a lifetime dancing together. ‘Good heavens, you’re such an exhibitionist!’ she scolded when she sensed him laying it on a little for his female fan club.

‘That must be why I want to kiss you.’ His chest bore closer, his face moving in.

She gasped.

‘Don’t worry. I’m saving that for later.’

A tiny part of her had the nerve to be disappointed.

She was so aware of his hand on her mid-back, she could discern that most of the pressure came from his baby finger, and the next two. Was she really going to know what it would be like to kiss him, later? They stopped ribbing each other now and just listened to Roy doing his thing. The lyrics were making her suddenly reflective. She concentrated on the juddering intensity of the tune, and the intoxicating nearness of her body to a man’s: a man she found heart-stoppingly exciting. She allowed herself to dwell on it for a moment, to pay a sort of homage to it. Once in a while, he placed his cheek to hers, briefly, just lay it there before removing it. Come back, cheek! Her hand was perspiring in his; she was vaguely self-conscious about it. They stayed like this, close and quiet, letting Roy carry them away with their own private thoughts. She was turning melancholy and she didn’t know why. He could be Gregory Peck. Or Laurence Olivier. Anthony Quinn or Henry Fonda. In his arms, she was Lois Maxwell or Julie Christie. Never had she been so aware of a man’s physical presence, the feeling of her fingers curved over his semi-cupped hand. How could you be so affected by a hand? Roy was singing about waking from his dream and finding her gone, his voice becoming its characteristic falsetto; Evelyn was bereft now. Inexplicably. In exactly one week, she’d be gone – to a whole new life. She didn’t intend to think of this; she supposed she was just silently taking stock of things.

I’m leaving, she thought, blank with the irony of it. I have a job lined up, and a flat-share. This has always been my dream.

Why am I leaving, again? Someone tell me . . .

Roy’s words about how some things can only happen in dreams were almost too much. She tightened her grip on his hand, squeezing, and closing her eyes. Eddy responded by stroking the side of her finger with his thumb.

‘You know, I think you might be warming to me.’ His breath caressed her ear.

‘Whatever gave you that false impression?’

The sound of his lovely laugh reverberated in her heart. Sometimes, it struck her how she was always aching for things not yet gone.

‘You’re too much of a challenge for me, Evelyn. What am I to do with you?’ His hand made a short foray to the crest of her bottom – accidentally, by the swiftness with which he corrected it.

She knew what she wanted him to do with her.

She could smell the powdery scent of his aftershave, and detect his shoulder muscles shifting through his clothes. She wanted him to kiss her almost more than she wanted to see old age. There was a naturalness in the way they went together. It had been there from the first second. This was what made it sadder.

She’d leave, and somebody else would get him. The thought – the bare injustice of it – just sailed through her head, and it astonished her how much it upset her.

She met up with Elizabeth in the toilets.

‘You lucky duck,’ Elizabeth said.

‘I’m not feeling lucky. In fact, unlucky would probably be the word.’

‘What are you going to do?’

‘Tell him I’m moving to London soon. Then go home with you, as planned.’

‘I thought he had a girlfriend. I think he might have just broken up with her, maybe.’ Elizabeth looked confused. Elizabeth was never far wrong.

If she had met him at any other time, she’d have brooded on this idea. As it was, she just thought, Then this isn’t to be taken too seriously. He’s on the rebound. It would be doomed, anyway.

‘I’ll see you home,’ he told her, later, when they had stepped outside, after his mortifying song. They had sat on two peeling, white-painted, wooden chairs and talked – talked for hours – while she unconsciously denuded the chairs of paint.

Carol Mason's Books