A Rake's Ruin (Devilish Lords #1)(8)

“He is a grown man, Claire. He can find his own way home.”

She pulled out of his grip and he resisted the urge to reach for her again. This was preposterous. He shouldn’t be touching his best friend’s little sister, let alone holding her tight and growing aroused like some lecherous old coot.

“And that is what you mean to do, I suppose.” Her tone was chilling as she sniffed with disdain. “Leave him here to fend for himself when you know very well that he isn’t strong enough to resist temptation.”

Oh bloody hell, she did blame him. The injustice of it made his blood boil. He’d never much liked being accused of anything, but false accusations were a particularly sore spot for him and his family. His father had very nearly lost his title and fortune when an adversary had accused him of being a spy for the French.

All utter bollocks, of course, but rampant speculation and gossip had made for trying times. Luckily the charges were cleared or he and his family would have lost everything, and all over some vile and false accusations.

He took a long, deep breath to steady himself. She was hardly accusing him of espionage. No, she was merely finding him guilty of being a terrible friend.

Somehow that hurt even worse. It stung his pride. It might not be on par with accusations of leaking state secrets, but this charge was personal.

He eyed the wild woman before him as though she were a stranger. She might as well be for all he recognized her. Her chest rose and fell as her breath came too quickly. Still struggling to keep that temper in check.

How very intriguing.

Intoxicating might be the better word for it. Watching staid, placid Claire transform into this fiery vixen was utterly absorbing and completely fascinating. He could almost overlook her accusations.


“Are you trying to imply that I have not done right by Jed?” He’d managed to regain control of his emotions and his tone was deceptively casual.

She arched her brows in surprise, but she did not back down. “That is exactly what I am saying.”

He was speechless. He had not truly expected that she would level such a charge outright. It seemed the type of judgment she might hint at but never explicitly state.

And it seemed she wasn’t done. “More than that,” she said taking a step forward and jabbing a finger into his chest. “You, my lord, have not done right by my entire family.”

He blinked at her repeatedly as if by clearing his vision her words might resolve themselves into something that resembled sense. “I see,” he said softly. “And how exactly have I wronged your entire family, might I ask?”

He’d merely asked a question, one he felt he deserved to hear an answer to, but in doing so, he seemed to have unleashed the fury she’d clearly been attempting to control.

“How?” Her voice shot up alarmingly.

She’d lost her mind. As she moved toward him, her eyes wide and wild, she looked as though she’d lost her senses entirely. She was clearly out of control as she stopped centimeters from where he stood, coming up on her toes so the top of her head reached his nose. “How?” she screeched again.

He should calm her, he should stop her from continuing to jab her finger into his chest, at the very least. That’s what he should have been doing.

Instead he found himself marveling. My God, she is magnificent.

“You and the rest of Jed’s friends,” she said. “You could have done something. You could have stopped him from losing everything. Everything!”

Her finger dug into the muscles of his chest and he fought the urge to capture her hand in his and turn it so he could kiss her palm. What would she do if he did? Would her chest continue to rise and fall erratically, but with passion rather than anger? Would her lips part in shock?

Her gaze fixed on his and he could see flecks of green mixed in with that vivid blue. Funny how he’d never noticed that before.

“Are you listening to me?” she demanded.

He nodded quickly. “Oh yes,” he drawled. “Shame on me and all the others who stood by and let a grown man make his own choices in life.” His voice was purposefully dry and intentionally irritating.

He couldn’t seem to help himself. He’d lost track of the fact that he should be offended by her accusations. All he could see was this beauty in front of him. All he could hear was the frantic beating of his heart at her closeness. All he could feel was his blood catching on fire as her breath kissed his cheek and the warmth of her body enfolded him in some sort of bewitching madness.

His words fanned the flames of her anger as he’d known they would. He watched with utter fascination as her lips parted and her eyes glittered with menace.

He couldn’t tear his gaze from this sight before him.

“How dare you mock me?” she asked.

That was when he caught a flash of hurt in her eyes and that was his undoing. He’d never intended to hurt her. He would kill the man who did. But somehow he had gone and hurt her feelings.

“My apologies,” he said. “I did not intend—”

“Do you know what my life became thanks to you and your friends?” she demanded. The hurt was gone, replaced by that dazzling fury.

He did not know, but he could imagine. His own family had suffered through their own plight and he knew the toll that sort of stress could take on every member of a family.

“Claire, I’m sorry for—”

Maggie Dallen's Books