A Matter Of Justice (Grey Justice #4)(25)

Hunting took patience and skill. He had both. Grey might have been out of the game for a while, but he was no less prepared. Through the years, he had been the target of many. His skills were as sharp as ever. The contract killer would try again. And once again, he would fail. Grey would defeat anyone who threatened him and what was his.

The assassination attempt was no secret. There wasn’t a media outlet on this planet that hadn’t run a story, some more than one story, about the failed attempt on his life. He had turned down every recent interview request, which was frustrating. Discussing with the media the work of his victims advocacy group was usually a good thing. Unfortunately, the interviews now centered on the assassination attempt and speculation about who might want him dead. That was a conversation he preferred to have in private with his people and not the general public.

Everyone associated with any Grey Justice entity had been warned to be wary. He doubted anyone who happened to work for one of his companies was in danger, but caution was never a useless endeavor. He was concerned that those closest to him could be targeted. He cared about many, but there were only a few in his inner circle. They were the ones who could be used against him.

Irelyn was in that inner circle. Yes, she had chosen to end their relationship, but that didn’t mean he’d stopped caring. He would never stop caring. He wanted to see her, talk to her. He wanted to know what the hell she was doing associating herself with Sebastian Dark and Hill House. Problem was, he had no idea where she was. She had gone dark this time—darker than she ever had before. He’d broken his promise to her and his own code of ethics and started looking for her again. She’d be furious, but having her hate him was nothing new. Damned if he’d have her wellbeing on his conscience more than he already did.

In the meantime, someone was out to get him, and he needed to find that person and fast.

“If you’re tired of torturing that boxing bag, I’ll be happy to go a round with you.”

Wyatt Kingston stood at the doorway. The gleaming fury in his eyes belied the calm manner in which he’d spoken. Grey couldn’t blame him. Lacey was doing better but she was still in a lot of pain. And Grey felt one hundred percent responsible. The life he lived called for enemies to want to end him, but he never intended for innocents to be hurt in the process.

“I would imagine you would like to do more than go a round with me.”

“Not really. I’m saving most of my energy for the piece of shit responsible.”

While he appreciated Kingston’s words, he didn’t agree. If he had found Lacey another ride home, which had been his initial thought, she wouldn’t be going through hell right now.

“Have you seen Lacey today?”

The brief flicker of grief in Kingston’s eyes was almost immediately replaced with fierce determination. “She’s refused to see anyone but her family and you.”

Grey wasn’t surprised. Wyatt and Lacey’s relationship had been volatile already. This incident hadn’t helped.

“She’ll come around.”

“I know she will. In the meantime, my main purpose is to find the son of a bitch responsible.”

That was no surprise either. Grey had more than a dozen people working on finding the bastard, but that wouldn’t stop Kingston from doing his own investigation. Even though the man had headed up several missions for the Grey Justice Group, he wasn’t a Justice employee. Wyatt, as the owner/operator of Kingston Defense, and his team often handled ops other defense and security companies deemed too risky or bordered on illegal. A few months ago, Wyatt and a few of his best had kidnapped Gabriella and Carlos Mendoza for the Grey Justice Group.

Though things had gotten complicated and dangerous later on, Kingston and his team had pulled off the abduction without a hitch. Carlos was now serving a long prison term for multiple rapes. His sister, Gabriella, had escaped a life of captivity and was now married to Jonah Slater, one of GJG’s best operatives.

“We need a sit-down to share info.”

Kingston jerked his head in a nod. “Why I’m here.”

Grey grabbed a towel to wipe his face. “We can beat the hell out of each other another time.”

Wyatt threw him a crooked grin. “You just don’t want to be beaten up by an old man.”

“Yeah, right.”

Kingston was three years older than Grey’s thirty-four years. Since he was in excellent shape and had more stamina than men half his age, Kingston’s old-man reference should be laughable. It wasn’t. Wyatt had started referring to himself as an old man after he’d met Lacey. Grey figured it was the man’s way of reminding himself that she was way too young and innocent for him. Lacey, as usual, had a different opinion.

This newest obstacle certainly hadn’t helped.

“Give me five minutes to grab a shower, and I’ll meet you in my office.”

With a grim nod, Kingston walked out, and Grey headed to his bathroom on the other side of his home. On the way, he pushed speed-dial for Nick.

“What’s up?” Gallagher asked.

“Kingston’s here at my apartment. Wants to go over the suspect list. You got anything else?”

“A couple more possibilities, but we’re stretching.”

And that was the problem. There were plenty of people to look at, but so far none of them looked viable. “Bring what you have.”

Christy Reece's Books