A Cross-Country Christmas(66)

He leaned toward her and took her face in his hands, then they both stood, her arms circling his waist. The heat from her body melded with his, even through their winter coats, and he couldn’t think of any reason not to follow his heart.

She inched up on her tiptoes, and he dipped down, savoring the moment. Her skin was cold, but her mouth was warm, and as he deepened the kiss, the rest of the world melted away.

He pulled back and looked at her, hands still framing her face. “I’ve wanted to do that practically since I picked you up in that diner on the pier.”

She smiled up at him. “Was it worth the wait?”

“So worth it.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “But there’s always room for improvement, so I think we’re going to need a lot of practice.” Another kiss, one he hoped communicated that this moment made him feel like the luckiest man alive.

She unwound her arms from around him and pressed her hands to his chest. “Something to look forward to.”

The back door flung open, and his mother raced out, cordless phone in her hand. “Lauren, it’s your brother! They’re having their baby!”

Lauren’s eyes widened. “Wait. What? Now!?”

“He said he’s been trying to call you all night,” Mom said. “They’re at the hospital now!”

“Let’s go.” Will led her back into the house, where they were met with a chorus of voices shouting at them to send pictures when the baby arrived. Lauren thanked them the whole way out the door, and as they turned to go, Will stole a glimpse into the living room, where his grandfather was resting in his chair.

He met Will’s eyes from the across the room and gave him a thumbs-up.

The road ahead and the road behind.

He crossed the room and squeezed his grandpa’s hand. “Merry Christmas, Pops. And thanks for believing in me. Even when I didn’t believe in myself.”

Pops nodded, then pulled off the oxygen mask. He spoke with a huge smile plastered on his face. “Get that girl to the hospital, would ya? Want me to drive?”

Chapter 33

Back in the familiar space of Will’s Jeep, Lauren felt herself finally relax.

She couldn’t have predicted that a crazy cross-country road trip would’ve made her a lover of Christmas, but here she was, basking in its glow.

Will reached across the seat and took her hand, holding it like it was something that required great care. He drove a little faster than usual, getting to the hospital in record time, despite the snow.

He turned off the engine and pressed her knuckles to his lips. His very full, very kissable lips.

“Listen, maybe let me tell Spencer about us,” he said.

She frowned. “Okay.”

“He was really protective of you,” Will said. “And I owe him a lot. You said I picked myself up after everything that happened, but I couldn’t’ have done it without Spencer’s help.”

She had no trouble believing that was true. Her brother had always been fiercely loyal to his friends.

Will went on. “One time he told me that in a lot of ways, you were the only family he really had.”

Lauren stilled. It was true, wasn’t it? With two completely unreliable and self-absorbed parents, she and Spencer had made their own way. She was important to him—he made sure she knew that, and how had she repaid him? With distance and unanswered text messages.

“You know, after seeing your family together I realize how important people are,” she said. “I think because of the way I processed everything with my parents, I have a tendency to push people away.”

“You?” Will feigned surprise. “No.”

She shoved his shoulder, and he grabbed her wrist, coming in for another kiss, which she was more than happy to give. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought it was quite possible she’d be perfectly content to kiss him for hours and hours.

“Wow, I really love kissing you,” he said when he pulled away. “I’m going to fall asleep dreaming about it, you know that, right?”

She grinned and opened her car door. “Good. My goal is to bewitch you, body and soul.”

“Ooh, a Pride and Prejudice deep cut. I like it.”

They walked through the sliding doors of the hospital, figured out where they were going, and made their way to the elevator. Lauren was still woozy from his kisses, but not so light-headed that she wasn’t ready for more.

When the doors of the elevator closed, she felt his arms around her again. She couldn’t remember a time she’d been quite this happy.

In the quiet of the elevator, Will’s kisses felt stolen, exciting, risky. With her back to the wall and her eyes closed, Lauren wished she could freeze time. It took every bit of will power to resist punching the STOP button. His hands wrapped around her waist, and he drew her closer, sending shivers to every nerve-ending in her body. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She couldn’t believe she was absolutely, one-hundred-percent happy that this was happening.

They were so engrossed in each other they didn’t hear the elevator ding. They didn’t hear the door open. They didn’t notice they were putting on a show for the entire staff on the labor and delivery floor. That is, until they heard someone clear their throat.

Courtney Walsh's Books