A Country Affair(69)

“You were asking about the divorce?” He replenished his wine with a lavish hand.

“If it’s too difficult, you don’t need to talk about it.”

“I don’t think either Lonni or I ever intended to let it go this far,” he said, and Kate was sure he hadn’t even heard her. “I certainly didn’t, but before I knew what was happening, the whole thing blew up in my face. There wasn’t another man—I would’ve staked my life on that.”

Their dinner salads were served and, picking up her fork, Kate asked, “What brought you to Nightingale?”

Eric drank his wine as if he were gulping cool water on a summer afternoon. “Lonni, of course.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Lonni. I decided I needed to make a clean break. Get a fresh start and all that.”

“I see.”

“You have to understand that when Lonni first suggested we should separate, I thought it was the right thing to do. We hadn’t been getting along and, frankly, if she wanted out of the relationship, I wasn’t going to stand in her way. It’s best to discover these things before you have children, don’t you agree?”

“Oh, yes.” Kate nibbled at her salad, wondering what she could say that would help or comfort Eric.

An hour and another bottle of wine later, Kate realized he’d drunk the better part of both bottles and was in no condition to drive home. Now she had to tactfully make him realize that.

“Do you dance?” she asked, as he paid the dinner bill.

He frowned slightly. “This country-and-western stuff doesn’t usually appeal to me, but I’m willing to give it a whirl, if you are.”

Kate assumed all the wine he’d been drinking had quelled his reservations. When the band began a lively melody, Eric led Kate onto the crowded dance floor.

Kate was breathless by the time the song ended. To her relief, the next number was a much slower one. She recognized her mistake the minute Eric locked her in his embrace. His hands fastened at the small of her back, forcing her close. She tried to put some space between them, but Eric didn’t seem to notice her efforts. His eyes were shut as he swayed to the leisurely beat. Kate wasn’t fooled; her newfound friend was pretending he had Lonni in his arms. It was a good thing her ego wasn’t riding on this date.

“I need a little more room,” she whispered.

He loosened his grip for a moment, but as the song continued, his hold gradually tightened again. Kate edged her forearms up and braced them on his chest, easing herself back an inch or two.

“Excuse me, please.” A harsh male voice that was all too familiar came from behind Eric. Kate wished she could crawl into a hole and die the instant she heard it.

“I’m cutting in,” Luke informed the other man, who turned his head and looked at the intruder incredulously.

Without a word of protest Eric dropped his arms and took a step in retreat. Neither man bothered to ask Kate what she wanted. She was about to complain when Luke reached for her hand and with a natural flair swept her into his arms. The immediate sense of welcome she experienced made her want to weep with frustration.

“Why did you cut in like that?” she demanded. She felt disheartened and irritable. Everything she’d worked for this evening was about to be undone.

“Did you mean for that city slicker to hold you so close?”

“How Eric holds me isn’t any of your business.”

“I’m making it my business.”

His face was contorted with anger. His arms were so tight that Kate couldn’t have escaped him if she’d tried. Judging by the looks they were receiving from the couples around them, they were quickly becoming the main attraction.

The instant the music ended, Kate abruptly left Luke’s arms and returned to Eric. Her date stood in the corner of the room, nursing a shot glass filled with amber liquid. Kate groaned and hid her displeasure. Eric had already had enough wine without adding hard liquor.

“I thought you said there was nothing between you and Luke Rivers,” he muttered, when she joined him.

“There isn’t. We’re just good friends.”

“That’s not the impression I’m getting.”

Kate didn’t know how to respond. “I apologize for the interruption. Do you want to dance?”

“Not if it’s going to cost me my neck.”

“It isn’t,” she promised.

Another lively song erupted from the band. Eric took her hand and she smiled encouragingly up at him. As they headed for the dance floor, Kate tried to ignore Luke’s chilly glare.

Midway through the song, Eric stopped dancing. “I’m not very good at this fancy footwork,” he declared. With that, he pulled her into his arms, tucking her securely against him.

“This is much better,” he whispered, his mouth close to her ear. Once more his hold tightened.

“Eric, please. I’m having trouble breathing,” Kate told him in a strangled voice.

“Oh, sorry.” He relaxed his grip. “Lonni and I used to dance like this all the time.”

Kate had guessed as much. It was on the tip of her tongue to remind him that she wasn’t his ex-wife, but she doubted it would make any difference. Eric had spent much of the evening pretending she was.

At the moment, however, her date and his ex-wife were the least of Kate’s problems. Tiny pinpricks moved up and down her spine, telling her that Luke was still glaring at her from the other side of the room. She did her best to act as though he wasn’t there.

Debbie Macomber's Books