Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(55)

Oh, gods! “Nick! It’s me!”

He reached for her throat, and she reacted instinctively—she brought her knee upward and slammed him in the balls. Howling, he fell to his side on the bed and clutched his abused package. Her pulse thudded with fear as she scooted away, watching to see whether he’d go on the attack again.

He didn’t. Instead, the rage slowly left his eyes. He stared, waking by degrees until he rose up on one arm, gazing into her face as though he’d never seen her before.


“Yes. Are you all right?”

“What did I do?” Shame filled his face. “Did I— Oh, God. Did I just attack you?”

“It’s okay,” she said, reaching for him. She wasn’t expecting the reaction she got.

Flinging her hand away, he snarled, “It’s not okay! I tried to attack my own mate! Christ, maybe this was a mistake.”

“What?” No. Not after last night.

“What I said. Maybe we should just stop before I end up hurting you for real.”

She couldn’t help the bitter laugh that escaped. “You think it takes a physical blow to hurt someone? I can’t believe you’d ruin something as special as what happened between us last night by saying these things to me.”


Propelling himself from the bed, he punched the wall so hard, the stone actually cracked under his fist. She flinched and shrank away from him, starting to become truly frightened. This wasn’t the loving, passionate man who’d given himself to her last night.

“You’re scaring me,” she whispered. Tensing, she prepared to run.

He turned, and in that moment, she saw rationality return. Shame and guilt were close behind as he seemed to shake off the last effects of his nightmare.

“Calla, I’m so sorry,” he said hoarsely. “Forgive me.”

He moved to the bed and sat next to her, not making any sudden movements as she watched him warily. “I’m sorry,” he repeated.

“You can’t say our mating was a mistake and expect to brush it away.” Her throat burned with unshed tears.

“I didn’t mean it. I swear to you.” Anguish filled his face. “I was in the grip of the nightmare when I first woke up. Then I lashed out because it drives me crazy that it still affects me like that.”

“I understand that, but I can’t unhear what you said. I can’t forget how you looked when you wanted to strangle me.” The tears fell, and she couldn’t stop them.

Reaching out, he gathered her into his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m trying. I fight this battle every day and I’m scared I’m going to lose.”

“I’ll fight it with you! And you won’t lose, as long as you don’t quit on me.” She sniffed. “But maybe you do need some space. Maybe I’ve pushed you too hard.”

“Never,” he denied.

Then he kissed her. Despite herself, she leaned into him, seeking more. She wanted him, and nothing would change that.

Nick brought one hand around and gently placed a finger under Calla’s chin, tilting her face upward. Their eyes locked and, despite her hurt, she returned his desire in equal measure. Vaguely, she remembered her suggestion to give him some space. To hell with that. She fervently hoped he would kiss her again. She wasn’t disappointed. He cradled her close and took her mouth, savoring her. At last he drew back and regarded her silently for so long she started to worry.

“What are you thinking?”

“That we need some time alone,” he said, touching her face. “Just you and me. Some hours away to take things slow and enjoy each other, see where things go.”

She liked that idea, a lot. “What do you have in mind?”

“Have dinner with me tonight.”

“Where would we go?” she asked. Her pulse quickened in excitement at the thought of a real date with her Bondmate.

“I’m not sure, but I’ll work out all the details by tonight,” he said with a half smile. “Do you trust me?”

“You know I do.”

“We need this. I need you, all to myself for a while. What do you say?”

Finally, she gave him a tentative smile. The hope on his face, and another, stronger emotion, was a balm for her soul. He was such a beautiful man, inside and out. “I think you’re right,” she said softly. “We do need this.”

His smile was brilliant. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

“Pick me up? But you’re staying here with me,” she said in confusion. “Where will you be until then?”

“Yes, I’m staying here. But I have an idea for our getaway, so I can’t tell you where I’ll be.”

She paused, looking up at him as if considering. In truth, she’d forgiven him. Nothing short of nuclear war could have kept her from accepting.

“All right.” Intrigued, she nodded. “Eight o’clock it is. How should I dress?”

“Whatever you want. All I’m going to say is, no fast food tonight. I’m pulling out all the stops. Does that suit you?”

“It sounds perfect. I’ll be ready,” she said, hoping her voice came off confident.

Through her renewed optimism, a dose of doubt crept in. Would tonight be the night? She’d tried to claim him before, with near-disastrous results. There was no guarantee it would be different now, even after their wonderful evening last night.

J.D. Tyler's Books