Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(37)


“No. It’s me who’s sorry,” he said quietly. “This is all my fault. If I had manned up in the first place, you wouldn’t have been captured. Forgive me, please.”

Such torture in those dark blue eyes. Pain. It wasn’t right.

“Nick, you are not responsible for what those animals did. Not you, my brother, or anyone but those bastards and the monster they work for. Let’s not place the blame anywhere but where it squarely belongs, all right? Because as long as we’re all sitting around beating ourselves up, they’re in control.”

After a moment, he gave her a tentative smile. “I have a smart woman for a mate. I’m lucky.”

“So you truly acknowledge me?” Her heart pounded in excitement.

“Yes, Calla.” Leaning over, he brushed his lips over hers. “We’re mates. I’m sorry I didn’t stay to talk it over with you before, at the falls. I’m yours, just as much as you’re mine. I feel it, and so does my wolf.”

Taking a shaky breath, she nodded. “What do we do now?”

“Well, mates are almost always stronger together than they are apart. I suggest I remain here with my team while we’re battling this new threat to your coven. We take the time we need to cement our bond. Then, when things settle down, we can decide where to live.”

The last part gave her pause. One of them would have to move away from family and friends. Calla or a guard could teleport Nick back and forth to work at the Alpha Pack’s compound, but he should probably live on-site. That meant—

“You’re thinking too hard.” Smiling, he ran a finger down her cheek. “One step at a time, okay?”

“Sounds like the best solution.” She tried to relax. “So, when are you busting me out of here?”

“Patience, baby. You just woke up after a pretty serious scare, and the doctor needs to clear you before I take you back to your chambers for complete bed rest. No arguments.”

“You’re quite the hard-ass, Commander,” she teased.

“And don’t you forget it.” He paused, growing serious again. “I have to ask. Did they touch you, sexually?” The last word was soft, as though he’d forced it out.

“That wasn’t on the leader’s agenda. The hunters planned on it, though, but never got the chance. You rescued me before that happened.”

He practically slumped in relief. “Okay. I’m sorry. I just had to know. If they had, I wanted to make sure you got help. Counseling, something.”

“Thank you. But it didn’t happen, so I want you to forget that part. I have a question of my own, though.”

“Whatever you need to know.”

“Did you and Tarron . . .” She swallowed, pushing down the dread of his next answer. “Did you see the videos of wh-what they did to me?”

His blue eyes darkened with anger. Sorrow. “Yes. I’m sorry. I ran out to start tracking you while that monster was torturing you the first time, but I watched the rest of the recordings with Tarron a short while ago.”

“Why?” she whispered, the shame rushing back.

His reply was gentle. “To see if we could get any evidence off the recordings.”

“Evidence? Didn’t you guys get the vampire? Is he dead?”

“No,” he said, voice betraying his frustration. “He got away.”

That news filled her with terror. “Any idea who he is?”

“Not yet. But we will figure it out, and when we do, he’s going to die. Painfully.” He looked so fierce, she had to give in to a small smile.

“I’ll cheer when you get him.”

“Bloodthirsty mate.”

“Literally.” Nick paled. She must’ve said something wrong—shit. “I’m not a danger to you, or to anyone I care about. I could never hurt you, ever. Please believe me.”

“I do. It’s just hard for me to shut out what Carter put me through and move on.” He shook his head. “I believe you. In you. I just have to get past the mind f*ck he left for me, and I’m going to do it.”

“That’s a good attitude, but don’t rush yourself,” she advised. “He put you through a terrible trauma. That’s not something a person just gets over, like they’re suffering from a cold.”

“Do vampires even get colds?”

“No, and quit trying to distract me while I’m lecturing you.” She frowned at him, and he laughed.

“I’d never presume. I’m looking forward to an eternity of listening to my beautiful mate.”

“Ha! You’ll listen, but will you heed what I say?”

He arched a black brow. “If it’s in our best interest as mates, yes. If I feel you’re clearly wrong, then no.”

“I see how this is going to be.” She sighed.

“That’s what you get for hooking up with the Alpha of the Alphas. You don’t buy steak expecting bologna.” His grin said he was very much enjoying their small bit of sparring.

“Good grief,” she murmured, rolling her eyes. She liked his teasing as well. “Get me out of here, please? If I have to rest, I’d rather do it in my own bed.”

“Anything for the princess.”

J.D. Tyler's Books