When I'm with You (Because You Are Mine #2)(99)

He closed the door behind them and hit a switch, lighting the room.

“Go bend over the desk.”

His sharp command penetrated her dazed state. She blinked. “But what—”

“Just do as I say,” he said, and Elise caught the edge to his tone that betrayed his arousal.

She went to the desk and placed her bound hands on the smooth wood. She bent over, just as she had that first day in this very office weeks ago when Lucien had shocked her by telling her he would punish her . . . show her the limits of her self-indulgent world. Tonight, she felt no less excited as she had on that first time, but she’d grown more confident in Lucien. In herself. Her certainty allowed her to experience less anxiety and more arousal in challenging sexual scenarios than she ever could have in the past.

“Are you going to punish me again?” she asked shakily when he began to work her skirt over her thighs and then her ass.

“No. This won’t take long. I don’t want to be rude and miss Emile’s dessert course. Spread your thighs.”

She repressed a gasp when he matter-of-factly spread her lower ass cheeks, exposing her *.

“I’ve never seen you so wet,” he said, his voice rough with arousal. “Your clit is swelling past your lips.” Air whooshed out of her throat when he flicked at the swollen flesh. She moaned loudly when he removed the butt plug, firing the nerves in her anus and sex. She twisted her chin around, curious and wary, and saw him applying lubricant to the larger plug he’d brought in his pocket. It looked intimidatingly large.

He caught her staring at him a moment later as he pushed back a buttock. He held her stare as he inserted the lubricated tip into her ass.

“Push back on it,” he ordered when she winced.

She did what he said and the larger plug slid into her with relative ease. She exhaled at the sharp flash of pain that went through her, but it passed almost as quickly as it came, leaving an arousing, forbidden sensation of fullness and pressure.

She couldn’t escape the exciting knowledge that she was being sexually penetrated, even when Lucien pulled down her skirt and helped her to stand. She stood there waiting, her nipples, clit, and anus throbbing, while Lucien went to the bathroom to wash up. When he returned a moment later, he looked possibly even tenser than he had before. He took her hand and led her back to their table. They were seated just in time for Richard to come and serve them coffee, brandy, and a splendid Venezuelan chocolate custard.

This time, Elise managed several bites of the delicious dessert. Lucien, on the other hand, didn’t eat a thing.

* * *

She felt the tension building in him as they said their good-byes and gave their thanks to Richard and Emile later. She sensed it mounting as they drove home, brewing and coiling tight until it felt like the very atmosphere on the inside of the sedan pressed down on her skin and made breathing difficult.

It thrilled her to know she would be the target of all that awesome passion, but it intimidated her as well. Lucien never ceased to excite and amaze her sexually, but his challenges frightened her a little as well.

Was she worried she would fall short somehow, and not meet his demanding expectations?

If you are honest . . . you’ll please me every time.

The recollection of what he’d said to her last night gave her courage when Lucien led her back to the bedroom immediately upon their return to the penthouse. His face looked like it’d been cast from stone it was so tense, as he turned and began to undress her without preamble. He’d unlocked her bracelets before they’d left Fusion. When he’d removed her jacket and blouse, she stood before him wearing only the skirt, her shoes, the necklace and nipple chain, and her bracelets.

He moved to take off her skirt and looked at her face. He paused.

“Are you all right?” he asked, his eyelids narrowing.

She nodded. When he continued to stare, she said, “I’m a little afraid.”

“Of me?” he asked, his eyebrows slanting.

“No. I’m afraid I won’t be able to please you.”

His mouth fell open. He stepped closer and cradled her jaw. “That’s not even a remote possibility. Trust me on that. Do you?” he asked intently.

She looked into his eyes and nodded.

“You’ve already pleased me more tonight than I’ve ever been in my life.” He bent and touched his mouth to hers, his kiss a quiet reassurance he’d take her safely through the storm. He lifted his head a moment later.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m going to treat you with kid gloves,” he said, his tone reminding her of velvet-covered steel.

“I don’t want you to,” she assured. Now that she’d spoken of her insecurity, and heard Lucien’s response, she experienced a sense of mixed regret and reassurance. She shouldn’t have been afraid. Of course he would keep her safe. Of course he wouldn’t demand anything of her she couldn’t give.

But can he keep me safe if he doesn’t share in the love that’s threatening to burst out of my chest? You’ll be all alone, then, even if Lucien is right by your side.

Her thoughts were so volatile, she longed to distract herself from them . . . make her fear a distant memory.

“Good,” Lucien murmured. “Because you drove me to the brink of madness tonight.”

She touched his jaw and brushed her body against him, the slight abrading of her erect, tender nipples against the fabric of his suit coat thrilling her. She tilted her head back and met his gaze. “I will help you stave off madness. I am your slave. Use me for your pleasure,” she whispered, letting him read the dare in her gaze. She saw something spark in his light eyes. His nostrils flared as he looked down at her.

Beth Kery's Books