When I'm with You (Because You Are Mine #2)(74)

Of course. For a business mogul like Ian Noble, knowledge was power. She’d been admitted into the realms of his private penthouse. If he was smart—and Ian was reputedly brilliant—he wouldn’t have done that without having at least a minimal check done on her background to assure she wasn’t a thief or spy.

She was processing all this when Francesca spoke again. “Again, I’m sorry, Elise. I didn’t realize you were trying to keep your background secret. I knew you didn’t offer a lot of information, but I just thought it was modesty on your part. Even at the engagement party, I heard Ian ask Lucien if you were Louis Martin’s daughter, and Lucien confirmed that you were.”

Elise blinked, shocked anew. Lucien hadn’t made a secret of her past to Ian? She was bewildered. Precisely what was it he had been warning her to be circumspect about all this time? She thought he didn’t want her bringing up things that would create any suspicion on Ian’s part, but he clearly didn’t think her background or family or status qualified. Irritation flickered through her at his refusal to open up in regard to this Ian Noble business. If Elise did screw up, it was no one’s fault but Lucien’s for not being more specific about what he wanted kept secret. He was leaving her to walk around blindly in a landmine.

She shrugged and smiled at Francesca, determined to do her part to keep the waters smooth for her and Lucien.

“It’s not a big deal. I’d be happy to talk to my father about it. I’m sure he’d be thrilled to design something for a friend of mine. When he sees you, he’ll be inspired.”

Francesca’s dark eyes went wide. “That’s so sweet of you,” she said quietly. “Are you sure, Elise? I really didn’t mean to be so tactless about a . . . a sensitive issue. I should have realized you want to be recognized on your own merits, that you’re trying to make a life for yourself outside of the shadow of your family. I’m forever sticking my foot in my mouth,” she mumbled under her breath.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Elise said, stepping forward and touching Francesca’s elbow in reassurance. “I was just surprised you knew I was Louis Martin’s daughter, that’s all.”

“I’ll explain to Ian how you feel about a fresh start, and we’ll be sure not to mention your family to anyone. He’ll understand,” Francesca assured. “But that’s not all—I also wanted to ask if you and Lucien would come over to Ian’s penthouse Monday night for dinner.”

“That would be lovely, but I owe you an invitation first. You asked us last, for the engagement party. I’m sorry I haven’t reciprocated. Things have been so busy with work.”

“Nonsense,” Francesca said, waving her hand. “There’s no reason to be so formal about a casual dinner, is there?”

“Well, if you’re sure,” Elise said hesitantly.

“Of course I’m sure. Please say you’ll come. Ian has been under a lot of stress lately. To be honest,” Francesca added quietly, “I’m concerned about him. He works so hard, and it’s been necessary for him to spend a lot of time away from home recently. It would do him good, to relax with friends, and Lucien always seems to have such a good effect on him.”

“I’ll ask Lucien then,” Elise assured, seeing how much the dinner meant to Francesca and wanting to make that shadow of worry on her features fade. “I’m not sure if he’ll be back from Paris by Monday. I’ll call you when I know. And I promise to make you and Ian a special dinner very soon.”

“You do every time we come to Fusion,” Francesca said wryly as she stood.

“That hardly counts,” Elise said, giving a sunny smile. Inside, though, a storm was brewing. She was angry at Lucien for leaving her to feel so vulnerable and clueless. But she was infuriated that his refusal to prepare her might be the thing that betrayed him. She truly didn’t believe he was up to something criminal, but he was up to something that could land him in trouble. She just knew it.

He had some explaining to do. And this time, some vague half-truths weren’t going to cut it.

Read more of Elise and Lucien’s red-hot romance in

PART VI: When You Trust Me

Chapter Eleven

Elise grimaced as she glanced at the bedside chest at midnight. Part of her regretted not opening that drawer this evening. Part of her longed to do a replay of the past two nights and experience such intense pleasure . . . such intense intimacy with Lucien. They hadn’t just had mutual climaxes for the past two nights; they’d made love while they were half a world apart. He really was magical, the way he could pull off the impossible. Part of her wished she could just ignore her irritation.

But she couldn’t.

She picked up her ringing cell phone.

“Bonjour,” she said crisply into the receiver.

There was a pause. “Bonsoir. Don’t we sound businesslike,” Lucien said, sounding amused and wary.

“I am in the mood for business. And not the business of the past two nights,” she said pointedly. It was technically a lie. She was in the mood for the business of gushing in pleasure and hearing Lucien’s voice go rough and sexy with lust as he instructed her and she did precisely what he commanded. But she had more crucial business at hand. “How was your day?”

“Productive,” he said. “Atale and I are still getting the books in order for the Three Kings. It’s tedious work.”

Beth Kery's Books