When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(93)

Not the most comfortable sensation for a vampire.

They followed the main tunnel until they entered a large cavern with a number of openings that branched in every direction.

Cyn frowned as Phyla headed to the very back of the cavern. Where the hell was she going? There was nothing but a large pile of rubble that towered nearly to the ceiling.

As if blind to the mess, Phyla continued forward, her pace never slowing.

Then, as she stepped directly into the stones, he muttered an exasperated curse.

An illusion.

Of course.

Holding his sword in a white-knuckled grip, Cyn forced himself to ignore what his eyes were telling him. Not easy, since he had a moral objection to walking face-first into a stone wall.

Tingles rushed over his skin and the scenery blurred before they’d stepped through the magical barrier to reveal they were standing in a cramped tunnel.

Phyla continued forward, nearly scraping the unconscious Fallon against the jagged edge of the wall as the channel narrowed and curved. Cyn snapped his fangs, trembling with the effort not to snatch his princess from the bitch’s hand.

Soon, he silently promised himself.

Soon he would have his fangs buried deep in the druid’s throat and he would take exquisite pleasure in draining the life from the bastard.

Until then he would have to be patient.

A task easier said than done for a hedonistic berserker vampire.

Grimly reminding himself of the price of failure, he allowed Phyla to lead him to the deepest part of the cavern, the top of his head brushing the low ceiling before they at last came to a heavy steel door that blocked the tunnel.

Phyla used her free hand to shove open the door, revealing a small, barren space that had been roughly carved out of the rock.

Cyn hissed at the sight of the two vampires that were lying motionless in the center of the floor.

Styx and Viper.

But no Dante.

Thank God.

“Enter the cell,” Phyla commanded, allowing her hand to become engulfed in flame as Cyn hesitated. “Do it now or I burn the female.”

“Shit.” Cyn grudgingly bent down to step through the low opening, whirling to face Phyla with his fangs bared. “Where are you taking Fallon?”

“She will ensure your good behavior,” the demon informed him, slamming shut the door.

Shrouded in utter blackness, Cyn tilted back his head and roared in fury.

Fallon remained limp with her eyes closed as the female demon carried her up the stairs that had been chiseled into the side of the wall.

She’d awakened shortly after they’d entered the caverns, but sensing the spell that was wrapped around her, she’d forced herself to feign sleep. Any attempt to free herself from the choking grasp would trigger the death magic.

Her only choice was to remain motionless and wait until the spell was removed. Then she could hopefully catch the demon off guard and escape.

Smoke filled her lungs as they reached a level surface. There was a fire near. And something else . . . blood.

She struggled not to react as the demon came to a halt and rudely dropped her onto the hard floor. Her head banged sharply against a rock, but it was worth the pain as she felt the spell being jerked away from her.

Before she could even think of launching an attack, however, there was the scent of an approaching human male.

“Shackle her to the wall and take your place in the Council Room,” the male commanded.

Shit. It had to be the druid.

Forced to maintain her charade, she was roughly yanked across the floor. If they believed her to be unconscious, they might leave her alone to . . .

That hope was brought to a brutal end as she felt a pair of iron shackles being snapped around her wrists.


Iron was one thing that affected fey.

It not only dampened their magic, but it made it impossible for them to create a portal. And, with prolonged contact, it could even kill them.

Thankfully, as a Chatri, the effects were limited on her, but it would definitely make it more difficult to escape.

Because things just aren’t challenging enough, she wryly acknowledged.

She swallowed her groan of pain as the iron seared her skin, a heavy sense of lethargy spreading through her body. In the distance she heard the female demon leaving the cave, but instead of joining her, the druid contrarily crossed to stand next to her.


The scent of smoke and blood and foulness nearly gagged her as she felt the tip of a boot nudge her shoulder.

“Very convincing, my sweet.” The voice was cultured with just a hint of an Irish brogue. “But I know you’re awake.”

Snapping her eyes open, Fallon shoved herself into a seated position. If helpless didn’t work, then maybe she could try intimidation.

She tilted back her head, studying the man who hovered over her.

Surprise flared through her.

This was the deadly enemy who threatened to destroy the demon world?

He looked like a . . . nobody.

Just another human with a round face and fringe of brown hair.

Of course, she knew as well as anyone that appearances could be deceptive.

You didn’t have to be a hulking warrior to wield enormous power.

Just look at Siljar.

Shaking off her sense of disbelief, she forced herself to meet his cold gaze as she assumed her best princess manner.

“Release me,” she ordered, her voice ringing through the small cave as she took a swift, covert glance around the barren cave.

Alexandra Ivy's Books