When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(85)

“What does it matter to you?” she muttered, troubled by the tangle of emotions that were twisted into a painful knot in the pit of her stomach. “Unless you hope to get rid of me so you can attract his attention.”

“Honey, if I wanted his attention, I would have it.”

Fallon snapped her head around, meeting the mocking blue gaze.

“Then what’s your problem with me?” she demanded through gritted teeth.

The female squared her shoulders, at last revealing the reason she’d so rudely intruded into Fallon’s room.

“A vampire mates only once.” There was a deliberate pause as Lise watched Fallon’s mouth drop open with shock. “If you care for him at all you’ll leave before—”

“Mate?” Fallon interrupted, the breath wrenched from her lungs. As in forever together, til death do us part? She gave an unconscious shake of her head, ignoring the violent thunder of her heartbeat. Cyn might be eager to have her in his bed. And of course he was driven by his need to protect her. But a mating . . . no. “That’s impossible,” she breathed.

“So I assumed. After all these centuries I believed he was immune.” Lise allowed her gaze to flick over Fallon in blatant disgust. “Then you arrived and he can’t seem to think of anything beyond bedding you.”

Heat stained Fallon’s cheeks. She would never get used to the casual ease that most vampires discussed the most intimate subjects with.

“I’m not the first woman whom he’s”—she stumbled for an appropriate word—“enjoyed.”

Lise sneered at Fallon, no doubt amused by her prudish awkwardness.

“No, but you’re the first woman who has enthralled him,” she retorted, her power pushing against Fallon. Not enough to cause pain, but a definite warning. “So take him or leave him. It’s not fair to steal his heart and then break it.”

A blast of cold air had both females turning to watch the massive vampire step into the room.

“That’s enough, Lise,” Cyn said, his expression impossible to read.

“You know I’m right,” Lise said.

Moving forward, she reached out to lay her hand on Cyn’s arm. The two might not be lovers, but obviously Lise assumed she had the right to interfere in his most personal business.

Even worse, Cyn pressed a light kiss to the female’s forehead, before stepping back.

Fallon narrowed her gaze, barely leashing her violent urge to rush across the room and punch the aggravating woman in the face.

“Return to the clan,” Cyn commanded. “We will speak later.”

Lise stubbornly refused to budge. “I won’t have you live with regrets.”

He grimaced. “Trust me.”

“You, I trust. Her”—Lise turned her head to glare at Fallon—“not so much.”

Fallon clenched. That was it. Allowing her lips to curve into a challenging smile, she took a deliberate step forward.

She’d never, ever been a confrontational person. In truth, she’d do anything to avoid a conflict. Including becoming engaged to a man she barely liked.

Now she realized that she was more than ready to go head to head with Lise.

For Cyn she would fight.

As if sensing that Fallon had reached her last nerve, Cyn sent Lise a warning glance.

“Go,” he commanded. “I’ll contact you later.”

“Fine, but I’m keeping my eye on the fairy.”

Flashing her fangs toward Fallon, the vampire strolled from the room, swaying her tiny ass.

Fallon narrowed her gaze.

Someday she was going to bitch-slap that vampire.

Cyn wasn’t invited to join Fallon in her bath, still he couldn’t hide his small smile of satisfaction as the bristling female returned to the room dressed in jeans and a casual top.

When he’d first realized that his lieutenant had snuck into his lair, he’d been furious. Not that he thought for a second she’d harm Fallon. Not when she clearly suspected that Cyn had bonded with the Chatri princess.

But Lise had her own issues when it came to mating, and he knew that she would do her best to bully Fallon.

Then he’d rushed into the room and discovered that his princess didn’t need his protection.

Not only was she standing up to the lethal vampire, but she was bristling with something that could only be jealousy.

The thought was enough to make him as giddy as a dew fairy drunk on mead, he wryly acknowledged.

What the hell had happened to the male who’d skimmed through life without any messy emotions? The one who would have found a jealous female a source of irritation now nearly danced a damned jig at the sight of furious amber eyes that blazed with emerald flecks.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Unaware of his dark humor, Fallon planted her hand on her hips, looking every inch the arrogant Chatri royalty.

“Your clanswoman doesn’t like me.”

Cyn chose his words with care. He had every intention of convincing Fallon to remain with him in this lair. For the sake of peace he needed the two women to call a truce.

“Lise is a little touchy when it comes to unrequited love.”

Fallon went rigid. “She loves you?”

He shook his head, moving forward. One day he intended to track down the bastard who’d hurt Lise and chop off his head.

Alexandra Ivy's Books