When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(101)

He nipped the tip of her nose. “Fine. But no more playing Wonder Woman.”

Her lips twitched at his disgruntled tone. “Wonder Woman?”

“It’s my turn to be a hero.”

He gave her a slow, lingering kiss before reluctantly leading her out of the cave and down the stairs. Then, keeping her fingers grasped in a tight grip, he tugged her down the tunnel, chasing after the silver-haired vampire.

A wry smile curved her lips.

She was quite happy to hang up her Wonder Woman cape.

All she wanted was to find a way to destroy the amulet.

Then they could return to Cyn’s lair where the only danger they would ever have to face again was when she informed the superbitch Lise she was no longer welcomed to waltz in and out of the castle unless she was specifically invited.

Oh yes.

That was the first thing on her agenda.

Well, after they saved the world.

Cyn forced himself to concentrate on their surroundings, even as he kept Fallon’s fingers firmly grasped in his hand.

She was right.

They were in this together.

But that didn’t mean he was going to allow her to take any foolish risks.

Within a few minutes they’d managed to catch up with Viper and Styx who were traveling at a blinding speed through the tunnels that were gradually widening.

Cyn sensed the hum that was growing progressively louder, but he allowed Viper to take the lead, instead focusing on making sure there were no hidden surprises ready to leap out and attack.

The druid hadn’t seemed particularly intelligent, but even an idiot could leave behind a few traps for the unwary.

They wound their way from tunnel to tunnel. A fact that seemed to bother Styx whose lean face was downright bleak as Viper slowed to a mere crawl, as if sensing danger ahead.

“We’re headed toward the Council Room,” Styx muttered.

“The Oracles?” Cyn demanded.

The Anasso grimaced. “They’re all gathered there.”

Cyn shook his head. Of course the amulet was in the one place where they couldn’t get to it.


Without warning a dark shape dropped from a ledge above.

“About time you all joined the party,” Dante murmured, seemingly indifferent to the three swords that had nearly chopped off his head. “Where’s the druid?”

Cyn glanced toward Fallon who went pale at the question. “Fallon killed him,” he said with open pride, not about to allow his princess to regret what she’d been forced to do.

“Damn. Good job,” Dante said with an admiring glance. Fallon blushed, and Cyn tucked her close to his side, his gaze narrowing. Hey, he was still a vampire who hadn’t yet been able to claim his mate. Taking the hint, Dante swiftly turned his attention back to Styx. “Now what?”

“We’re searching for the focus of his spell,” Styx said.

“I hear it,” Viper murmured softly, peering around the edge of an opening.

Cyn joined Viper, angling his large body so he could peer into the massive Council Room.

His brows lifted at the sight of the long table set in the center of the floor where the dozen Oracles were seated.

They were all different. Different ages, different genders, and different species. But there was no mistaking that these demons were the most lethal creatures on Earth.

It was obvious in the arrogance etched onto their various faces and the thunderous power that was making the floor tremble.

Currently they had their hands and tentacles connected as they continued to perform the spell that was killing them all.

He felt a light touch on his arm as Viper directed his attention toward the center of the table where a small amulet was glowing with a blue light.

“Shit,” he muttered. “It would have to be in the middle of the Oracles.”

Viper grimaced. “We need a plan—”

“I’ll get it,” Cyn said, yanking his dagger from the holster at his lower back and heading forward.

They could spend the next half hour debating and arguing and planning how best to get their hands on the amulet. But in the end, there was only one solution.

Someone was going to have to go in and get it.

“Wait, Cyn,” Viper rasped, the icy chill of his power swirling through the air. “Dammit.”

Cyn ignored his companion’s muttered opinion of thick-skulled berserkers as he slid along the edge of the cavern, seeking the most direct route to the table.

There was no possibility of being able to sneak past the entire Commission and destroy the amulet.

He would have to try a snatch and smash before they realized what he was doing.

Not a bad plan.

But as fast as he was, he was still several feet from the table when the nearest Oracle slowly rose from his chair and turned to face Cyn.

The demon had a tall, gaunt body with an overlarge head and tilted, almond-shaped eyes. Then, even as Cyn watched, the creature shifted into a human form, choosing to become a delicate female fairy with a cloud of golden hair and wide emerald eyes.

Recise was a Zalez demon who was part incubus. He was capable of becoming whatever form their companion most desired as well as releasing a sexual pheromone that threatened to cloud Cyn’s mind.


Cyn gave a shake of his head, slashing out with his dagger as he tried to dart past the slender form.

Alexandra Ivy's Books