Walk Through Fire (Chaos #4)(83)

“I’ll sleep in the wet spot,” I gave in.

He rolled us to our sides, his cock sliding out but he kept his hips between my legs so his weight was resting on my thigh.

I didn’t care. My leg could fall asleep, all blood circulation curtailed, and I’d deal to keep him wrapped in me.

He reached out and jerked up the covers.

He was settling in.

I wanted him where he was but this was a surprise. And I might want him where he was but I wanted him to want to be where he was more.

“We sleep like this, I’m gonna leak on you,” I pointed out.

“Don’t care.”


He’d always cared.

“You find the drip irritating.” I told him something he knew because he always dealt with these matters for precisely that reason.

“Right now, don’t care,” he returned.

I sighed. “I’ll go clean up.”

His arms around me tightened. “Babe, you leave me, I’ll shoot you and I do have a gun.”

I stilled.

“Christ, it’s ten your body clock’s time, middle of the night my time,” he declared. “I f*cked you hard, gonna crash in ’bout three seconds you shut up. I crash, I won’t feel shit.”

“Oh,” I mumbled. “Okay.”

“So shut up and drift,” he ordered.

Yes, years ago, I found the bossy hot.

Now it was kind of annoying.


At first I shut up because I didn’t have anything to say.

Then I had something to say so I stopped shutting up.

“You own a gun?”

“Own five, only got one with me. And you know I own guns, Millie. Owned three when we lived together.”

This was true.

“You have one with you?”



“How about we talk about this tomorrow when my cum isn’t drippin’ on me, irritatin’ as f*ck?”

“I can go clean up, Logan,” I noted again.

He sighed, heavy and deep.

I shut up again.

It was then, with the reference to him having a gun, it occurred to me in all that happened, he didn’t know Benito Valenzuela visited me.

“Logan?” I called.

“I’d stop her talkin’ by f*ckin’ her face but f*ck if I don’t have that in my right now so do I stick a sock in her trap or listen to her babble?” he asked no one because he certainly didn’t say that shit to me.

I forgot about Benito and snapped, “Stick a sock in my trap?”

“Millie, it’s two in the mornin’. Even when I was twenty-four, after f*ckin’ you hard, I needed some shut-eye before I had another go at you.”

This was true. Though those were catnaps and I usually stirred him from them with blowjobs.

A point to ponder.

“No clue how,” he muttered grouchily. “But forgot how much you liked my dick.”

“I’m not angling for more sex, Logan.”

“You pushed my buttons back in the day, babe, what’d you get?”

Oh man.

I got f*cked.

Logan used sex for a variety of purposes, including ending fights, getting me out of bad moods, or turning the tables on a discussion he found aggravating.

I shut up.

Logan was silent.

I was the same.

Then the bed started shaking and it wasn’t me doing it.

“Logan?” I called.

He pulled me deeper into him and his voice was unsteady with his laughter when he said, “Fuck, it’s so good to have my girl back, it’s not f*ckin’ funny.”


I loved that.

Loved it.

Maybe we could do this. Maybe it was going to be that easy.

I melted in his arms and started to stroke his shoulders.

“Go to sleep, Low,” I whispered.

He found my mouth, touched his to it, then settled back in.

“ ’Night, beautiful. Drift good.”

I smiled, pushing in closer, my face at the base of his throat where I kissed him.

“ ’Night,” I whispered against his skin. “Sleep well.”

“Tangled in you, only good sleep I’ve had for twenty years.”

It was no surprise I felt the same, which made it even more unfortunate mine was messed up with jet lag.

I closed my eyes and snuggled deeper, shifting my hand to play with the ends of his hair.

I felt him enter dreamland and he did it rolling into me so I was to my back, his weight was partly to my side, but his hips were still between mine, his face in my neck.

I pulled the covers up over his shoulders, then kept playing with the ends of his hair, feeling him, smelling him, holding him...

And lying in the wet spot.

I tamped down my giggles.

Then, later, I finally fell asleep.


When he heard his phone ring, High opened his eyes, seeing, smelling, and feeling Millie.

This meant for the first time in two decades, Logan “High” Judd woke up smiling.

He heard his phone stop ringing, and although he wanted to stay right where he was, he couldn’t.

He had to get up, check his phone, and if it wasn’t who he thought it was, he had to make a call and do it while his girl was asleep.

Kristen Ashley's Books