Walk Through Fire (Chaos #4)(55)

This meant she knew about Logan “High” Judd and Shirleen Jackson. Primarily, she knew about their bond.

“Don’t know how that shit began,” Malik had told her after the good stuff was done, he was mellow, and they had entered the pillow talk stage that Elvira used for more than one purpose on more than one occasion.

Not that Malik minded. Her man was not stupid. He knew she always had a reason. He also knew she had a certain kind of job. So he filtered as necessary. Which was irritating as hell but it went with the territory when you had the po-po in your bed.

“Just know they’re tight,” Malik had gone on. “Word was, back when they were both dirty, if Shirleen had a mess she didn’t wanna call Darius in to handle, pile more filth on her nephew than he already had, she’d call Judd. And Judd would do cleanup. She called. He came. Not in a way she had something on him and not in a way they were partners. So I don’t get it. No one ever did. But it happened. She left the life. The Club got clean. And through all that, whatever they had did not die.”

In other words, although this was a surprise visit, Shirleen being up in High’s business, business that was getting interesting lately, was no surprise.

“We’re joinin’ forces,” Shirleen announced. “And our first move is Kellie Cliffe.”

Kellie Cliffe.

One of Millie’s two besties.

The one who was up for anything.

“Joinin’ forces with what?” Elvira asked, not playing dumb... exactly.

It was just that Tyra had put the kibosh on further maneuvers. After their last play went south, they’d decided they had to bide their time and find the right in to instigate their next one.

“On reunitin’ a love gone bad,” Shirleen replied.

“Listen, girl—” Elvira started, leaning across her desk, but she stopped talking when Shirleen’s face changed.

Elvira could read faces and Shirleen’s face stated loudly that the woman was serious and she was not about to waste any time.

“High would lose his mind, but he said I could put Brody on it, and I did. He did not say I could put Vance on it, but I did that too,” she shared. “My boys at work, look at ’em, you’d say badass motherf*cker. But I know how they are. They’ll go the distance for true love, proved that again and again. Gave Vance what I knew, he ran with it. Boy has his ways and what he learned, High likes it or not on the road he’s gonna be travelin’, I know he’ll like it when he gets to his destination. If I gotta club the man and put him on the train, I’m doin’ it. And the game you and your girls are playin’ that Vance shared with me with that King’s Shelter business, I know you’re with me. So we’re joinin’ forces.”

Another non-surprise. Vance Crowe was one of Lee Nightingale’s boys. He was good at what he did, finding information and fast with little to no muss and fuss.

But also, Vance’s wife, Jules, was a social worker who worked at King’s Shelter. So he probably knew, or suspected, before Shirleen asked that Tyra, Lanie, and Elvira were up to something.

As Elvira thought this, Shirleen kept talking.

“Vance had a chat with this Kellie girl. She knows the history and it ain’t no surprise she’s all in. So she’s up next. And I got the plan.”

Elvira studied her and she did this awhile.

Then she got impatient with doing it, so she said, “Well, lay it on me. Time’s wastin’, girl.”

Shirleen smiled.

Then she talked.

Elvira listened.

Then she smiled.

After that, she grabbed her cell.

She made two calls.

When she was done, they were all agreed.

Kellie Cliffe was up next.


Twenty-two years ago...

I walked by our futon, Logan flat out on it, eyes to the TV, and I smiled down at him when those eyes came to me.

But I didn’t get by the futon on my way to the kitchen to get a drink.

I got my hand caught by my man and pulled so I landed on him.

I stretched out even as I lifted up and looked down at him.

He was feeling good, I could tell by the mellow look in his eyes. I could also tell by the sweet smell in the air.

“How you doin’, Snook’ums?” I murmured, and he grinned.

“Excellent grass,” he murmured back. “And got my girl on me. So it’s all good.” He ran his hand over my ass and tilted his head on the arm of the couch. “Though, she’s got too many clothes on.”

Stoned sex with Logan.

That meant he’d take his time. Even hours.

The best.

Or the best when I got it but it was always the best when I got it, no matter how it came.

Unfortunately, even if it was the best, we didn’t have hours.

“You do remember that Dot and my folks are coming for dinner?” I asked.

He rolled so I was pressed to the back of couch and his face was in my neck. “I didn’t forget,” he said into my skin. “Come down by then.”

“I know you will, Low,” I told him, and I did know because he was careful like that. He never disrespected my parents. It was part of what won them over. I ran my hands up the muscle of his back over his tee and continued, “But we should probably not be having sex on the couch when my parents knock on the door.”

Kristen Ashley's Books