Walk Through Fire (Chaos #4)(156)

Now it was out in the open.

And we were as we always were.

She was right.

I had a lot of family around me.

I also had a lot of love.

*  *  *

I caught Logan in my rearview on the way to the place we were meeting Deb for lunch and I almost got in a wreck due to experiencing a mini-orgasm on first sight.

It was cold, but sunny, no chance of snow.

So he was on his bike.

But to keep warm, he not only was wearing his cut.

He was also wearing a black bandana around the bottom half of his face, shades over his eyes, and his unruly, thick, dark, overlong hair was untethered.

He looked like exactly what he was.

A modern-day outlaw.

It was hot.

I found a parking spot that had a free one next to it. I parked and, as I expected, Logan backed in beside me.

I jumped down in my high-heeled pumps, slammed my door, and turned, seeing him off his bike, lifting a leather-gloved hand to yank down the bandana.

“I will seriously make it worth your while if you consider doing me wearing that bandana,” I announced before I even said hey.

I couldn’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses but I saw all his white, even teeth because he smiled huge.

Then he stated, “Gag you with it, blindfold you with it, but, babe, nothin’ hinders my mouth when I’m doin’ you.”

“Those alternate scenarios are acceptable,” I declared immediately.

He burst out laughing, doing it with his arms shooting out to take hold of me so I slammed into him when he yanked me to his body.

I rested my hands on his chest below his shoulders, head tipped back, smiling up at him, watching him laugh.

I hadn’t seen him laugh that freely or for that long since I got him back.

I’d have to see to that.


His laughter quieted down to chuckles, through which he said, “See we got our plans for tonight.”

“Stop it,” I retorted. “I nearly crashed having a mini-orgasm seeing all that’s you in my rearview, that bandana over your face. I don’t need another one or it’ll take you forever to get me where you want me to be so you can get what you wanna get.”

He pulled me closer, dipping his chin to bring his face near mine.

“You had a mini-orgasm?” he asked.

“Yep,” I answered.

“What’s a mini-orgasm?”

“It’s yet another boon to being a woman you men won’t ever understand since it’s something you men don’t get but we can have them willy-nilly. Say, while watching the TV show Vikings or driving our cars to salad bars with a hot biker trailing us.”

He was still smiling big when he continued questioning. “What are the other boons to being a woman?”

“High heels. Handbags. Facials. We get to look at and touch our knockers anytime we want, even if festivities are occurring alone. And we get to take cock in a variety of orifices.”

His eyebrows over his shades flew up. “You seriously talkin’ dirty to me before I gotta force down a f*ckin’ salad?”

“Yes,” I replied.

His eyebrows disappeared as he muttered, “One of the reasons I love you,” right before he dipped deeper and gave me a lip touch.

Our enjoyable chat was clearly over, for when he lifted his head, he released me but slid an arm along my shoulders and started guiding us to the restaurant.

We’d taken three steps when he noted quietly, “You seem okay.”

“Not sure this is gonna be easy on Deb or me. So we’re on common ground.”

His hand at my shoulder gave it a squeeze. “She’s cool, Millie,” he assured.

“And I’ll be cool too,” I promised.

“Already know that,” he said, eyes to the restaurant.

But it wasn’t exactly a restaurant, as such. I didn’t know what you called it outside calling it a salad bar.

It was Deb’s choice. This was because it was her favorite place close to work. This was also because, Logan told me, she was very healthy, worked out a lot, and ate food that was good for her.

Learning this, I was beginning to lose my surprise at all things that didn’t jibe about Logan and Deb.

Logan worked out, definitely. But he ate and drank whatever he wanted, back in the day and, I’d noticed, now.

I did the same, for the most part, not counting the seventeen thousand, two hundred, and eleven diets I’d been on since losing him, all of these lasting from one day to three weeks, and, of course, the one Pilates session I’d attended.

Normally, if told I was going to a salad bar for lunch, I would balk.

But I knew this one and they had squares of pound cake and really good vanilla pudding at the end so I was looking forward to it.

I was thinking this as I got another squeeze of my shoulder. I looked up to Logan to see his profile had changed. It was no longer relaxed and natural. It wasn’t hard either.

It was alert.

I turned my attention back to the restaurant and saw a pretty, petite blonde woman in maroon button-down shirt with a fleece jacket over it standing at the doors, looking at us.

No, watching us.

I knew this because I’d vaguely noticed her when I’d pulled in.

And she was still there.

Oh God, that was Deb.

Kristen Ashley's Books