Untamed (House of Night #4)(28)

I raised my brows at their identical looks of curiosity. "Don't count on it," I said.

They frowned. "Give the girl some privacy," Damien said. "The Loren thing was very traumatic for her, what with the Imprint and the loss of virginity and Erik!"

The Erik part of Damien's mini-lecture had come out as a very odd squeak. I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong with him when I noticed that his eyes had gone huge and round and were fixed over my left shoulder and behind me, where I heard the distinct sound of a side door off the main school building closing. With a terrible sinking in my stomach, I, along with the Twins and Jack, turned to see Erik emerging from the wing of the school we had just been passing, which, of course, held the drama room.

"Hi, Damien, Jack." he gave Jack, his ex-roommate, a warm smile, and I could see the kid almost wriggling with pleasure as he gushed a big hello back.

My stomach, naturally, tried to turn itself inside out at this reminder of one of the many reasons I liked Erik so much. He was popular and totally to-die-for handsome, but he was also a truly nice guy.

"Shaunee, Erin," Erik continued, nodding at them. The Twins smiled, fluttered their lashes, and said hi in unison. At last, he looked at me. "Hello, Zoey." His voice had changed from the easy, friendly tone he'd used with everyone else. He didn't sound hateful, though. Instead he sounded cool and polite. I thought this might be an improvement, but then I remembered what a good actor he was.

"Hi." I couldn't say anything else. I'm not a particularly good actor, and I was scared my voice would sound as shaky as my heart felt.

"We just heard you're going to be teaching drama class," Damien said.

"Yeah, it makes me a little uncomfortable, but Shekinah asked, and it's really not possible to say no to her," he said.

"I think Professor Nolan would be glad you're going to do it," I blurted before I could make my mouth shut up.

Erik looked at me. His blue eyes were absolutely expressionless, which felt completely wrong. Those same eyes had shown me happiness and passion and warmth and even the beginnings of love. Then they'd shown me hurt and anger. And now they showed me nothing at all? How could that even be possible?

"Did you gain a new affinity?" His tone wasn't outright hateful, but his words were definitely clipped and cold. "Can you speak to the dead now?"

I felt my face get hot. "N-no," I stammered. "I just . . . well, I just thought Professor Nolan would like it that you're here for her students."

He opened his mouth, and I saw something mean stir in his eyes, but instead of speaking he looked away from me and off into the darkness. His jaw tightened and he ran a hand through his thick, dark hair in a gesture I recognized as one that he automatically did whenever he was feeling confused.

"I hope she does like it that I'm here. She was always my favorite teacher," he finally said without looking at me.

"Erik, are we going to be roommates again?" Jack asked tentatively into the increasingly uncomfortable silence.

Erik blew out a long breath and then gave Jack a quick, easy smile. "No, sorry. They've put me in the professor building."

"Oh, that's right. I keep forgetting you've been through the Change," Jack said with a nervous little giggle. "Yeah, sometimes I almost forget myself," Erik said. "Actually, I better get to my new place--I have boxes to unload and lesson plans to figure out. See you guys later." He paused, and then his eyes flicked to mine. "Bye, Zoey."

Bye. My lips moved, but no sound came out.

"Bye, Erik!" Everyone else called as he turned and walked quickly away from us and back toward the professors' part of the school.

Chapter Eleven

My friends babbled about nothing in particular while we walked the rest of the way to the dorms. Everyone studiously ignored the fact that we'd just run into my very ex-boyfriend and that it had been a really awkward, really awful scene. Or at least for me it had been awkward and awful.

I hated feeling like this. I'd caused Erik to break up with me, but I missed him. A lot. And I still liked him. A lot. Sure, he was acting like a butt right now, but he'd caught me having sex with another man--well, another vampyre, actually. As if that mattered. Anyway, bottom line is I'd caused this mess and it was incredibly frustrating that I couldn't fix it, because I still cared about Erik.

"What do you think of him, Z?"

"Him?" Erik? Hell, I thought he was amazing and frustrating and . . . and I realized Damien hadn't been asking me about Erik when he frowned and gave me a get a clue look. "Huh?" I said brilliantly.

Damien sighed. "The new kid. Stark. What do you think of him?"

I shrugged. "He seemed nice."

"Nice and hot," Shaunee said.

"Just the way we like 'em," Erin finished.

"You spent more time with him than we did. What do you think of him?" I asked Damien, ignoring the Twins.

"He's okay. But he seems distant. I suppose it doesn't help that he can't have a roommate because of Duchess. You know, that dog is really big," Damien said.

"He's new, guys. We all know how that feels. Maybe how he deals with it is being distant," I said.

"It's odd that a kid with such an amazing talent is unwilling to use it," Damien said.

P.C. Cast, Kristin C's Books